How to change the name in Facebook

How to change the name in Facebook

In the social network, many use nicknames, but it is better to enter the real name and last name, because you can find acquaintances and friends so faster. Change the name in Facebook is easy, just follow our instructions.

To change the name in Facebook, press the button in the right corner of the page on which the "Arrow" is drawn, in the window that appears, select the "Settings" section.

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After clicking the "Settings", the general settings of your page (account) will open.

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Click the "Edit" string, while the browser opens a page with the name change settings. Here you can safely edit your name, also last name.

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You can change the name by Russian and Latin letters.

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After changing the name, confirm the data by specifying the password that allows you to enter the Facebook, otherwise the personal settings will not be saved, and click "Save Changes".

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It is worth specifying the name correctly, because within 2 months you will not be able to change it. By the way, the name change takes about a day, sometimes more.

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