How to change feedback on Aliexpress

How to change feedback on Aliexpress

Feedback is the latest stage, so to speak, the finals of the transaction on aliexpress. It is drawn up after receiving the goods, this is your opinion about him and about the seller. If you hurried to write a review, and over time they came to the conclusion that it would be fair to change it, then this information is very useful to you.

To find all your feedback, first go to aliexpress Under its account, click on the "MY ALIEXPRESS" link, in the drop-down menu, select My Aliexpress. On the downloaded page in the menu on the left, click on "Manage Feedback".


On the "Review Management" page, carefully read the main positions, the essence of which is that additions to the review are possible once every month from the moment you have confirmed the receipt of the order, or this happened automatically in the event that the protection time has expired. The assessment itself (asterisks) can be changed only if the first estimate of up to three stars is inclusive. By the way, with regard to stars, with a low estimate most sellers aliexpress Begins to "attack" requests to change it for five stars, in turn they can promise to send a new product, list money for a card or make a big discount to the next order, but be alert and do not give in to persuasion. Only if you really got what you were promised, do as you consider it necessary. No one will condemn you for it. If it is easier for you, imagine the "bazaar woman", which is trying to "drive" a disgusting thing for a pretty amount. Now on the topic: Under the provisions you will see three bookmarks: "My feedback", "orders in anticipation of the Reviews of the Seller" and "Active Reviews" are expected, activate the last.


In the table opposite each product you were written with a review, there is a timer showing the number of days during which you can also correct or add feedback. As soon as the time expires, it will be empty in the last column, it only means that it is impossible to change the review. If your opinion about the order has changed for the better, click "Reply", type the call text in the "My Response" field and click on the "Send" button.


If there were explicit disadvantages for the month, click "Complain". In the field "Please explain (optional)" Describe the essence of your complaint, attach a photo as proof. After the negative feedback is completed, click "Send". This complaint will be moderated aliexpress, after which it either publish it, or if they find slander, deleted (they warn about it in the notification).


Finally, the Council: If possible, always leave a review about the received product on aliexpressIt is desirable with the photos attached, and no need to be prevented, no one will praise for that. Based on feedback, users of the site make up their opinion, is it worth ordering this product from this seller or not. Judge yourself, because it is more convenient for you to see people come in reality and read a detailed review than just a wordless assessment.

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