Camera instantaneous printing on Aliexpress

Camera instantaneous printing on Aliexpress

In the middle of the last century, Polaroid has developed and started to produce cameras, which themselves printed the snapshot immediately after shooting. Since then, the company managed to go bankrupt. But the very idea of \u200b\u200binstant printing did not die.

Now such cameras and accessories are manufactured by Fuji and buy them easier on the site. Aliexpress.

As it was before

In the 1970-190s, the chambers for instant printing photos of Polaroid were quite successfully competed with conventional film cameras. There were several formats of cards. They differed in size and type of photographic material were colored and black and white. The chambers themselves looked quite seriously and were in demand as ordinary people who made colored family photos and photographers who preferred black and white pictures.

Camera instant printing on Aliexpress - New birth

Distribution of digital photography was accompanied by numerous disputes and discussions on the topic "will kill the digit film?". Nobody even arguing about the instantly photo. It was clear that her digital will surely kill. So it turned out. But a few years ago, Fuji engineers developed and launched the camera Fujifilm Instax. And its main chip is that the camera stopped trying to be "serious."

There are several camera models, but all of them, first of all, steep, fashionable and a little pussy accessory - almost a toy. Yes, and the process of photographing this chamber itself is an interesting entertainment, nothing serious.

Camera Instant Press on Aliexpress - Search

The easiest way to find the right aliexpress - Drink in the search string "Camera Instant Printing". The site issues several instax models and consumables to them.

But in this case, the choice is small. Better go to the company's website Fuji.Where you can see all the existing models and choose the one that will appeal. Copy and paste its name into the search bar at the Aliexpress. So you find the desired model.

Instant print camera on Aliekspress - order and delivery

  • Site Aliexpress - a safe place. There is no danger of deception. The site itself is only aggregator stores, and its main task - to help you find the right product and to guarantee security of the transaction.
    purchase payment takes place immediately, but the system is designed so that the seller will get money only when the goods arrive and you will note this fact on the store page. If something went wrong, the site guarantees a full refund.
  • If you are still worried, then look at the rating of the seller, read customer reviews. All this is on the product page. After quietly press the "Buy Now", specify the delivery address and pay for the purchase card.
  • Pay attention to the cost and speed of delivery. On the product page, it is necessarily indicated. Most Instax cameras are sold with free shipping. The usual delivery time from two weeks to two months. It is required to indicate on the product page.
  • Sometimes there is the possibility of more rapid delivery, but it definitely will be paid. To choose between delivery options need to click on the arrow next to the word "delivery".

Instant print camera on Aliekspress - what else

  • When ordering the camera is better to buy a case for it. Most often, they are sold separately, and their choice is even wider than the choice of model or color of the camera itself. And do not forget to order the right stock cartridges with cards. Included with the camera is rarely more than one or two cartridges to twenty cards each.
  • Although it is quite possible to buy them in Russia, but Aliexpress it will cost you less.
    Best to book a camera pouch, the cartridges from one seller. Then you will get everything at once, in a single package.
  • Immediately after receiving the check that you all were taken, and in what condition it is. If something is damaged or does not work, please visit the seller and let them know about it. The seller is obliged to replace the goods. All correspondence with the claims controlled by site administration.

To order instant print camera on Aliekspress quite difficult. Harder to wait for sending the camera falls into your hands and you will finally be able to make your first snapshot. We can assure you - an exclusive pleasure.

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