The mohair is a gentle fluffy yarn, from which very light and incredibly beautiful knitted products are obtained. It is made from the wool of down goats and from it was done earlier and yarn called Angora. Why in one case the six is \u200b\u200bcalled "angora", and in the other - "mohair", you will find out by reading this article. You will also learn that the mohair is a few species than they differ from each other.
History of the emergence of the term "mohair"
Many centuries ago, the Turks began to produce a soft and practically weightless yarn from the wool of down goats, which were divorced in Angora province. They were engaged in this case, the Turkic nomads who have fallen out their animals in environmentally friendly places in this province. It is a good ecology and fresh green feed that the goats grew very soft and gentle to the touch wool. Because of its highest quality, six was in demand around the world and she was given by the name of "Angora" by the title of the place of breeding down goats.
In the 19th century, some countries also began to supply similar goods to international markets and the Chinese succeeded in this. Since in those distant times, there were no patents on trademarks and names, the Chinese called the term "Angora" are also very soft and light down wool, but rabbit. The Chinese literally poured the market with rabbit angora and gradually Turkey lost a monopoly on this name.
In order to be discharged from the name "Angora", which has already become associated with the fluffy wool of rabbits, the Turks began to call their product "MAHER", which means "elected" or "special". Since then, the "mohair" or "Mahar" began to be perceived all over the world as a special brand of Turkish wool of the highest quality. Many well-known manufacturers in various countries call this term their down yarn, but a real mohair, until some time, it was considered only the yarn from the coat of goats from the Turkish province of Angora.
In recent decades, due to the rapid economic development of many countries and an attempt to conquer sales markets, goats with gentle wool began to withdraw worldwide. Especially in this, the livestock meters of America and South Africa, and all because the natural conditions are very similar to Turkish. For today, Turkey supplies a very small amount of mohair, but America and South Africa - 70% of all world supplies. Turkey at one time could not consolidate the monopoly on the manufacture of mohair, so now the mohair is made to call the whole soft and fluffy yarn, but made of swallow rocks.
Mohacher species
The mohair is made to divide on species. Each of them is distinguished by its quality and, accordingly, by its price.
- The most expensive mohair is made from the wool of little kids and is called Kid Mohair. At the same time, this name is given only to the wool that gets a goat with the very first haircut. This mohair is distinguished by almost weightlessness and tenderness to the touch.
- Goating Mohair is also a rather exquisite grade of mohair, but the price is slightly lower than that of the previous one. Get it as a result of the second walking trumps and on the touch he is a little rougher. In this image, this mohair is practically not distinguishable from the most expensive.
- The most popular today and fairly budgetary at cost is the Mocher Adult Mohai. They produce it as a result of a haircut of adult goats.
Budget products made of mohair that we used to buy in stores are usually not equipped with labels with the name of Mohair type. Manufacturers that work only with a very expensive yarn necessarily indicate the label type of mohair in the product: Lee Kid Mohair, or Goating Mohair. The same applies to the moham in the sumps, from which you can independently tie a sweater, poncho or takes.
Any mohair products, whether they are very expensive or quite budget, require very delicate cleaning or washing. If you carefully care for them, then a beautiful blouse or shawl will look luxurious for many years. This is all the more relevant that the mohair never went out of fashion, in recent years, interest in him has become even big.