What to bring from Prague

What to bring from Prague

Prague attracts tourists not only with his beauty and unique attractions, but also the opportunity to conduct excellent shopping. So what can be brought from this glorious city for yourself and how to please loved ones and friends?

Porcelain and crystal products

The Czech Republic has long been famous for its crystal and porcelain. It is very highly appreciated all over the world, because Czech crystal and porcelain are distinguished by unusual beauty and design, as well as excellent quality.

In Prague, you can easily find specialized stores with these products. Having entered such a store, the main thing is not to get confused, because in the first minutes it seems that I got into a fairy tale and an irresistible desire to buy every thing comes.

For yourself and friends, you can buy a variety of souvenirs, figurines, vases, chandeliers, glasses, glasses, countesses, candy. Such gifts will be a sign of excellent taste and will decorate any interior.

Czech jewelry

The beautiful half of humanity, falling into Prague, feels like a fish in water, because there is so much beautiful, and especially jewelry. Our mothers and grandmothers were also proud of Czech jewelry. From century to century, the local masters transmit the secrets of the manufacture of unique jewelry. Particularly magnificent are products made of Bohemian glass.

The range of jewelry is so large that it is difficult to opt for something one. Buyers are offered:

  • necklace;
  • beads;
  • necklaces;
  • pendants;
  • earrings;
  • bracelets;
  • rings;
  • brooches;
  • hairpins.

Products from famous companies are especially famous:

  • Jablonex;
  • Prociosa;
  • Style Avenue;
  • Straza;
  • Lilien Czech Jewelry.

It is also interesting that the founder of the world world -famous Svarovsky brand Daniel Svarovsky was born in the historical part of the Czech Republic - Bohemia. And although the company itself is in Austria, in the homeland of the founder you can also purchase a decoration of the famous brand.

When buying a Swarovski jewelry, it is worth remembering that it should be packed in a blue box, inside which there is a white silk pillow. On the lid of boxes from the inside there should be an image of a swan. If at least something is wrong, it means you want to slip a fake.

Czech cosmetics

The Czech Republic is known to many Carlovy Vara - a medical resort. From all sides they go to him to improve their health with hot groundwater. But not many people know that salts from these sources are used in the production of Czech cosmetics.

The most important advantage of cosmetics there is that they are completely made of natural raw materials and are suitable for any type of skin.

It is not difficult to find such cosmetics in Prague, there are shops with the name Karlovarska-Kosmetika around the city.

Alcoholic drinks from Prague

For men, the best gift from Prague will be a real Czech beer that boasts more than a thousand -year history. Thanks to the monks who recorded and stored ancient recipes, you can try a drink that still severe celts drank.

The number of varieties with various additives will surprise even the most experienced beer gourmets.

In addition to beer, they will be an excellent gift:

  • bechovka;
  • plum;
  • absinthe;
  • vodka, infused on rainworms or hemp.

However, I buy alcohol as a gift do not forget that you can take out from the Czech Republic no more than three liters.

Edible souvenirs from Prague

How can you visit Prague and not bring the famous Czech waffles and traditional mold cheese from there? After all, they are national pride, they are eaten there from small to great, tourists and indigenous people.

Waffles look like coins outwardly, and they prepare them according to recipes, which have been for several centuries. It will not be possible to try such things anywhere else, since the secret of their originality is that they are prepared on the medical Karlovar water.

Molds in the Czech Republic have also been made for several centuries. Even the most fastidious gourmet can choose this delicacy.

In addition to the above things in Prague, there are also a huge number of souvenirs, which are definitely worth buying in memory of this wonderful city.

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