What is needed for adoption

What is needed for adoption

Unfortunately, a large number of families have no children. The reasons for this may be many, but a way out of the situation, only one - the adoption. However, in order to perform this procedure, you must be well prepared - to study family law and collect documents. Let's look at what is needed for adoption.

Take the child from the orphanage - a very important decision. Remember that the way back is not: the baby will get used to you, and you, renouncing it, injure the child's mind. Therefore, if somewhat in doubt - it is better to postpone the adoption. There are special courses for parents, caregivers, which helps to understand yourself, and fully disclose "all the amenities" such a decision.

So, are you ready for adoption. The next step - the study of law. Chapter 19 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation a complete description of this procedure with the legal aspect, namely covers the basic concepts, course of action and all the nuances of adoption. A child who has attained 10 years of age, has the right to make a choice and must give their consent. In addition, at the discretion of new parents, baby's name can remain the same or change.

Adoption scan 2 (procedure)

Russian legislation prohibits the adoption in the following cases:

  • if the parents are willing to accept the child, recognized as incapable;
  • if the receiving party does not have a residence permit, as well as a steady income;
  • if the guardian is deprived of parental rights;
  • for health 'new' parents;
  • if the person wishing to adopt a child, have a criminal record.

Scan of the face and the right

If you match all the criteria for custody, start gathering the necessary documentation. For adoption, you will need:

  • passport documents (originals and copies);
  • marriage certificate;
  • police certificate confirming the absence of a criminal record;
  • an income statement for a certain period (for personal income tax form №2);
  • certificate of extract from the house book, as well as the scanpia of the personal account at the place of residence;
  • medical conclusion about the health status of guardians and a child;
  • characteristic at work;
  • small autobiography, including your leisure and place of work;
  • documents confirming the ownership of housing (car, securities);
  • the written consent of the child's parents (if any) or the head of the orphan institution (in case of adoption from the orphanage);
  • document from the guardianship authority confirming the appropriate living conditions;
  • certificate from the house management about the absence of debt for housing and communal services at the place of registration;
  • certificate of registration in the database for adoption (from the guardianship).

Important: If the child takes a full family, all documents should be provided for each of the parents.

More information can be found at the inspection staff or on portal Gosuselug.

State services

Having collected the necessary documentation, go to the guardianship authorities of your city. Be prepared for the fact that the inspection specialist will ask a number of questions about your interest in adoption, material well-being, housing, etc. Within two weeks after filing all documents, employees of the guardianship bodies will make a visit to you to verify housing conditions. If the decision of the authorities does not satisfy you, you have the full right to appeal through the court. In the case of approving solutions, boldly start the child's search. If you have patted this in advance or we are talking about the adoption of the baby of one of the parents of the family - with the decision of social custa, go directly to the court for writing the application. There you will appoint a meeting date and may require additional documents. With a positive decision of the court, a certificate of adoption is given to the hands, with the help of which you can enter a child in your passport, as well as prepare new documents for the kid.

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It should be added that the adoption procedure is a rather troublesome business. However, knowingly sobering with documents and legislative aspects, everything will be much faster.

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