Reserves of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Reserves of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Reserves are special areas created to restore endangered species. They preserve the species and their natural habitat: relief, soil, reservoirs. It follows from this that it is impossible to hunt on the territory of the reserves. Also, deforestation, planting of cultivated plants and other economic activities are also prohibited. Usually on the territory of the reserves it is impossible to pass just like that, but there are exceptions. To do this, it is necessary to obtain a special permit from the Ministry of Summary of the Russian Federation or the leadership of the reserve. Of course, in such a beautiful place as the Krasnoyarsk Territory, there are its reserves.

Big Arctic Reserve of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Interestingly, this reserve, founded in 1993, is the largest in Eurasia. Its area is 2,007,069 hectares. The reserve includes a part of the Taimyr Peninsula, some nearby islands and archipelagoes, as well as marine space, bays and bays in this zone. All this huge space is divided into 35 "contours".

The reserve presents two natural zones: Arctic tundras and arctic deserts. It has a multi-year permit with a depth of 200 to 900 meters deep, depending on the terrain. Snow in the "Great Arctic" falls at the beginning of autumn, and by the end of the first month there is a steady snow cover, and it only comes from early summer.

Flora Reserve is richer than fauna: 162 types of higher plants, 89 types of moss (which indicates solely clean air), 15 types of mushrooms (including rare fiberglass white), 70 types of lichens.

Poohoral Reserve of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The reserve is named after Putarano Plateau, located in the north-west of Siberia, on which it is located. It is designed to protect the natural landscapes of these beautiful places, as well as plants and animals living there, in particular the snow ram, listed in the Red Book of Russia and the largest population of wild reindeer.

Thanks to the combination of taiga, timber tundra and the Arctic desert at the mountain range located on the territory of the reserve, as well as virgin lakes and rivers, he is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Krasnoyarsk Territory Pillars

The reserve is relatively small (area - 47.2 thousand hectares), was founded on the initiative of the residents of Krasnoyarsk to keep the "pillars" - the rocks of a special form.

"Poles" are allowed for visiting tourists. There you can spend time surrounded by the indescribable beauty of nature of the reserve, play sports, in particular climbing. The relaxed atmosphere and nature have to communicate, interesting acquaintances and new friends. This type of tourism has its own name - pillars. There are also "wild pillars", located in the depths of the reserve. The passage is prohibited.

Flora and fauna of the reserve are rich in red-based species. If you are lucky, you will see rare birds and animals in a natural habitat.

Krasnoyarsk Territory is a great place. And best of all the virgin beauty of his nature has been preserved in reserves. If you fell a chance to get into one of them - use it, and get a lot of positive emotions.

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