What delivery is better to Aliexpress

What delivery is better to Aliexpress

Today, more and more people are ordered things on Aliexpress. This is explained by such advantages as the ability to save, choose the necessary products, sitting at home, among the huge range. In addition, sellers are on a liexpress offer to choose your customers a more appropriate delivery method It is very important to choose the type of departure that is most suitable for you.

Aliexpress offers many delivery options that are divided into paid and free. Basically, buyers choose free shipping orders. In order to recognize the possible ways of delivery from a particular seller, you need to click on the Delivery tab. To begin with, consider free shipping.

Delivery Aliexpress - China. POST. Air. Mail

China. POST. Air. Mail - This is the most popular and slow way to order. About 90% of the parcels are sent in this particular mail. At the same time, the recipient can wait for the product for two months, which has a maximum weight of 2 kg. China's mail bans does not have. Before you reach your branch, the parcel will be at customs, because in Chinese airports there are always a large number of parcels.

Delivery Aliexpress - China. POST. Air. Percel

This is also China's post office, but it delivers goods to Russia with a weight of up to 20 kg, while the transport time remains as well as up to 60 days. Weightful disadvantage of this type of shipment is that the mass of the goods is not rounded to a smaller, and in the most side. So, if the package weighs 4.3 kg, then you will have to pay for 5 kg.

Delivery Aliexpress - Singapore. POST.

Mail Singapore send electronics and components. This method is fast enough. The goods go through Singapore. But in spite of This, having passed Singapore, Switzerland, it turns out to be faster in Russia. Singapore Mail has no restrictions on the parcels of goods that do not violate the law.

Delivery Aliexpress - Hongkong. POST. Air. Mail

This type of shipment banned transported or dangerous items. Among them are perfumery products, lighters and more. As a result, it will be impossible to deliver some products using this mail. Thanks to these prohibitions, Hong Kong Post has become much faster.
Free shipping - does not mean the best, let's turn to paid ways.

Delivery Aliexpress - EMS

This is Russian Post, which carries out express delivery at an affordable price. This option is the most reliable. The delivery period is a maximum of two weeks, the mass limits are 35 kg. At the same time, such a speed of delivery to Russia from China will cost 1000 rubles.

This method is ideal if the goods are needed urgently. At the same time, the delivery service managers speak Russian.

Delivery Aliexpress - DHL

This is an international transport organization that delivers parcels in 850 points of Russia. Weight limit is 35 kg. With the help of DHL, it is forbidden to transport a product that will not fit in the buggage of the aircraft. The delivery time of parcels is only 4-7 days, but there are cases when the order goes for two weeks.

DHL is the most expensive way to deliver from China. The cost of transportation is 5 thousand rubles. Thus, choosing this method, you lose a large amount of money, and it is possible to wait for the goods as much as in EMS.

Delivery Aliexpress - TNT

TNT is a European fast delivery company. It is included in the five largest global transport services.
The similarity with DHL consists of high cost, but here you can carry the parcel without any restrictions on weight and sizes. The cost depends on the weight of the thing ordered by you. Delivery time takes about two weeks.

Delivery Aliexpress - FedEx Express

FedEx is a postal company of America, providing courier services around the world, including from China to Russia. Shipping costs 4 thousand rub.and a period of 4 to 8 days. There are no weight limitations.

Delivery Aliexpress - POSTII Finland.

mail Finland It offers a deadline for the delivery of goods to Russia a maximum of 35 days. This is a serviceer service Russian. Air.shipping for 50 days.

Aliexpress delivery - UPS Express Saver.

UPS is an American courier service , which carries out the fastest delivery delivery. Delivery can be prescribed to a certain number and the product will come in time. The cost of such a shipment is about 1000 rubles. per kilogram. There is no weight restrictions.

Very many potential customers can not be decided to order a fitted goods on the site. Aliexpress Due to the fact that they do not know how to work with the system. But despite this, free shipping on the site works, and the paid provides the ability to quickly get the desired product.
You choose which delivery will be paid or free, but before this you need to calculate the weight and size of the parcel.

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