How to insert a banner

How to insert a banner

Placement of banners is one of the ways to make money on your website or blog. The easiest way to add it, if you already have a ready-made HTML code. But to make a template and potentially malicious element on the pages of your own project - not the best idea. Therefore, before inserting a banner, carefully examine its contents and edit if necessary.

First, consider the insertion of the banner to the site, braced at clean HTML + CSS. Copy the finished item code from the advertiser website and edit it according to the general formatting rules. To make corrections, use a copy of the page of your site, never take edits immediately on the server. The banner code is a standard HTML markup with styles located inside tags. They must be in separate files and be associated with each other selectors.

Special attention to check the uniqueness of classes and ID in the project code. No other elements should influence the banner display. Make sure that the names of the selectors do not intersect, by searching in the familiar file editor for you (usually called by pressing Ctrl + F).

Look, if there is no suspicious elements in the code. The simplest banner consists of two tags: \u003ca\u003e and \u003cimg\u003e. It is desirable that they are inside the \u003cdiv\u003e or \u003ciframe\u003e block. Sometimes outdated tags are found in promotional inserts, their use leads to the fact that the site will not pass on validity. And this can negatively affect the promotion of the project.

Then spend the audit of the attributes in the tags. If you see anything unusual, find out the purpose of this item in the directory. The obligatory attribute for the tag reference \u003ca\u003e is href - the address on which the banner leads. Title is often used - a signature for a link, as well as target - Specifying advertising on a new page or tab. For the placement of images, the \u003cimg\u003e tag is responsible. It always contains the SRC attribute - specify the relative or absolute path to the picture. Also within \u003cimg\u003e, Title and Alt tips can be used.

Run the modified copy of the page in the browser. See how the banner is displayed in different web browsers. Try to change the size and scale of the window. If advertising is located correctly and by pressing it takes place to go to the desired website, save the code in the editor.

Next, replace the original page just made duplicate with advertising. For this convenient to use the FTP client, for example, a free and cross-browser program. FileZilla.. Just drag a new file to the correct directory partition. The name of the duplicate should coincide with the original not to violate the structure of links on the site. With the same names, the FTP client will offer to replace the page more new. After that, restart your website and make sure that the banner is properly displayed.

If your website or blog runs on the popular CMS WordPress, go to the Internet resource management console. On the sidebar, find the section "Appearance" and select "Widgets".

Find the element with the name "Text" and drag it to the selected area of \u200b\u200bthe area for the widgets. After moving, two text fields will appear, fill in the second pre-copied advertising code. Then click "Save" and go to the site to see the result of your work.

Placing banners - an easy way to make money on your site. Insert such advertising you will be able to just in just a few minutes. But be careful to the same code that you add to your project.

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