How to build a fraction in the degree

How to build a fraction in the degree

The school course algebra includes a section on the properties of degrees. One of these properties is the erection of fractions. With the help of the methods described in the article you will learn how to easily cope with similar tasks.

Rules for the exercise

To build any number to a degree, this number needs to multiply as many times as indicated to the degree.

Rules of Crushing

The fraction is a private two indicators: the numerator is written above the fractional feature, and the denominator is below the feature. The fraction, erected into a degree equal to the fraction, in which the numerator, and the denominator, are erected into this degree.

Erecting mixed numbers to the degree

Before the construction of a mixed number, we turn it into an incorrect fraction in which the numerator is greater than the denominator. To this end, we multiply the whole part to the denominator, then add a numerator and write the result in the numerator, while the denominator is preserved. After conversion, perform the actions described above.

Construction of a negative fraction

When erected into the degree of negative fraction, it is important to take into account that when multiplying two negative numbers, a positive number is obtained ("minus for minus gives a plus"). Therefore, if the negative fraction is erected into an even degree (multiple two), the result will be positive, with an odd degree - negative.

Proper recording of the result

At the end of the calculations, we reduce the fraction to the smallest values \u200b\u200bof the numerator and the denominator. If the result was incorrect fraction, we transform it into a mixed number. To this end, we divide the knob's numerator to its denominator, the balance of division is written to the numerator, the denominator is left for the same, and the result from the division is written as a whole part.

The construction of a fraction on an online

To verify the result obtained, it is convenient to use online calculatorwhich allows you to raise any fraction to the degree. This service contains detailed instructions.

You were able to make sure that at first glance, a complex task in the degree of fraction can be easily solved if the rules described above and consistently perform the necessary actions.

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