How to enable a laptop without battery

How to enable a laptop without battery

Laptop rechargeable battery is not eternal. The duration of the operation of the ACB directly depends on the number of charge cycles. The larger the number of times the battery is charging, the less its term "Life." Therefore, that the battery serves longer, the battery should be used as less as possible.

In case the laptop is designed exclusively for home use, you must remove the battery. Before you start, you need to turn off the laptop. You should make sure that the laptop completely turned off, and did not switch to "sleeping"mode (hibernation mode), which sometimes occurs on some devices. The operating system must complete the work.

You can not remove the battery if the laptop is connected to the 220V network. The power supply cable must be disconnected from the laptop.

After that, it is recommended to flick the laptop and remove the battery. In modern laptop models, the battery is easy to remove, moving the special sliders in the desired position located on the bottom wall of the device. In order to remove the battery in older laptop models, you will need to unscrew the cross screwdriver several screws. After that, you can remove the battery from the tray.

An important point before turning on the laptop without a battery is observing the sequence of actions: first the power supply is connected to the device, and then the adapter into the AC network.

So that there are no problems during the voltage of the power supply, it is necessary to connect a laptop to the network using a uninterruptible power supply. Prior to that, the role of the voltage stabilizer was performed by the battery.

The work of the laptop without a battery will allow the battery to stop for quite a long time, or rather as much as the charge-discharge cycles are laid in the rechargeable battery.

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