In Russia, income tax is 13% of your income. It will be charged not only until the salaries are received: they are subject to goods, pension contributions, most types of business. Return 13% of blood taxes can almost every second citizen, but few people are informed about it. Getting a tax deduction is enough monotonous and long process, however, according to the result, you can return a large amount of money. In this article, you will learn how to regain your income tax and what types of deductions are.
Who can return ndfl
The following categories of citizens can count on tax compensation:
- Any owner of housing: apartments, houses, land and other types of real estate. If you have not received a deduction for buying a living space, you can claim it. This type of NDFL refund is called property deduction;
- Deduction when taking mortgages is also called property, however, interest and amounts are calculated quite differently;
- The remaining types of deductions are called social. For example, the return of tax on the payment of training of a citizen: either yourself, or its children under 24 years;
- You can return the cost of treatment and purchase of expensive medicines. This deduction applies to members of your family: a spouse and children under 18;
- Pension deduction is laid by all citizens who regularly contribute to their retirement account in the FIU, or in favor of their spouse or parents, children.
Property and social deductions require different approaches, documents and can bring you completely different amounts.
How much can you return money using the deduction of NDFL
The state has various restrictions on receiving deductions, of course, you will not constantly receive 13% back and not pay this tax at all.
- If we are talking about the property deduction for the purchase of a living space, then the maximum fixed amount of funds return is 260,000. The exception is housing acquired until 2008, you can get only 130,000 rubles for it. If you do not agree with the decision of the tax service on your issue, it is decided in court;
- A similar situation is the mortgage loan to the apartment. You can return 13% of the interest paid, but not more than 260,000 rubles. This deduction does not take into account the first installment, with it you get deduction separately, calculated from individually;
- For their training or child, 15,600 rubles have been made for the entire year, regardless of the amount of payment. If you have little children, then add 6500 rubles another;
- The treatment is also limited to the amount of 15600, however, if it is expensive, it is possible to recalculate 13% of the paid amount;
- Pension social deductions are at the mark of 15600 rubles per year.
Thus, you get 15,600 rubles for social deductions and 260,000 - property, if we talk rudely.
How to get a deduction ndfl
The main package of documents looks like this:
- At work in accounting, get a certificate of 2-NDFL;
- Independently fill out the 3-NDFL declaration;
- Proof of your foundation for this deduction: certificates and extracts from the hospital, checks, sales contracts, contracts for training and receipt, contract with the bank and so on;
- Application for tax deduction - you can download directly here.
After submitting a package of documents, you can only wait for the tax service decision. Funds are transferred to your personal account in the bank.
How to fill 3 ndfl
The main problem may be the Declaration of 3-NDFL, however, in the last year its feed is greatly eased. In particular, you can fill it in the program.
Go to the site Tax Service And choose the year for which you need to fill the declaration. As a rule, you need to choose the previous year.
In the "Installation Program" row, click Install.
The setting is very simple and will not cause you problems, accept the license agreement.
Select the installation folder and wait for the end.
In this window you will have to specify all the necessary information. Detailed filling on the declaration can be found here: how to fill out a declaration of 3 ndfl