How to find a person in Skype

How to find a person in Skype

Beginner users (or even experienced PC owners) may encounter unusual, at first glance, the Skype interface. How to find a person here, even if he called his nickname? Let us explain in detail the different ways just below.

How to find a person in Skype - add new contact

  • To make a new person's friends list, communicate with it through voice, video communication, or text messages, go to the "Contacts" menu, which is located in the second tab on the top, immediately behind the item "Skype".
  • Inside the "Contacts", we carry the mouse cursor to the first subparagraph "Add contact" list, in the pop-up menu of the press "Search in the directory". This action moves a flashing cursor pointer to the search bar, where you need to enter the information about the person you know (name, city, telephone, email or nickname in the service itself).
  • Depending on the query accuracy, the search result can be extensive, or accurate. Select the desired user from the resulting list with the results, click on its nickname, in a new window (in the middle), click on the large blue button "Add to the contact list".
  • In a small window, entitled, how to "request subscriber data", you should leave an indication of whom you are (so that a person has identified you faster and add to the friend's list), or leave a standard greeting.
  • We click "send" and expect when the user goes to the program and see a request.
  • To speed up adding as a friend, you can notify the comrade about your desire through another service, by email or in social networks. While the recipient of the greeting does not accept your request, its account will always be "not online" (even if the person online). This precaution guarantees users of greater safety and confidentiality.

Useful tips when working with Skype

Some nuances in handling the program will help you find the right people faster, more efficiently work with Skype. As mentioned above, the program can issue a lot of results on your request, with the same name and place of residence. If you cannot decide which of them is the desired subscriber, simply right-click on the most appropriate nickname and select "Personal data" in the menu.

It is easy to find additional information that will allow you to find out if you need your face, or you should look next. Do not forget to fill your profile in Skype to make friends it easier to find you.

Also, the program makes it possible to add requests to friends automatically. To install this feature, go to "Parameters" (Sign of Gears) and choose "Add automatically".

How to find a person in Skype by phone number

It is extremely convenient to communicate with users whose phone number you know. Thanks to him, you can be in touch even when a person does not enter Skype. To find the subscriber in Skype by phone and create contact for it, go to the "Contacts" menu, then select the "Create contact with the phone number" command. Here, dial the number, save it and ready - with the other now just contact from anywhere in the world.

An interesting fact is - even if a person has no skype, it can be invited to chat through this program. To do this, we go to "Contacts" -\u003e "All" and choose "Invite friends in Skype."

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