How to find out OKTMO

How to find out OKTMO

From January 1, 2014, some changes were made to the taxation rules of the Russian Federation. Now, when filling out tax returns, as well as payment documents, instead of the usual code, it is necessary to fill the OKTMO code, which implies all-Russian classifiers of territories of municipalities. In this article, we learn how to find the OCTMO code and what data will be required for this.

In all reporting documents of the old sample, where the Count Code still stands, it is necessary to make data from OCTMO code, according to changeswhich occurred in tax legislation.

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OCTMO code consists of 8 or 12 characters, each of which is something indicates. So, in the first two digits, it is possible to determine the subject of the Russian Federation. The following three digits can help you find the name of the settlement located in this subject. Subsequent three signs reveal the name of rural areas and urban settlements.

Oktmo can be found by phone or personally from your tax inspector. To do this, I will need to inform the INN or location of the organization.

It is also easier to learn the code without leaving the house, on the Internet. To do this, go to the site FNS. And on its main page, specify your city in the upper column "Your Region". At the bottom of this page in the Taxation in the Russian Federation "to find the item" Presentation of Tax and Accounting Reporting "and go to it.

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After that, you will get to the next page, where you will find "Details to fill out the reporting of settlement documents" in the content. He needs you.

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By clicking on this item, go to the section of the same name.

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On the page that opens, you will find the desired item "Find OKTMO".

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By clicking on the link "Find out Oktmo", you will go to the desired page. Here it will be necessary to enter into a specific row of the OKATO code or the name of the municipality. Thus, you can define the desired code.

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On the same page there is still a useful link "Federal Information Reference System". If you go through it, it will help to learn OCTMO at the address of the object.

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After reading this article, you learned that the OCTMO code can be found not only by calling the FTS, but also through the Internet, knowing the code of the OKATO, the name of the municipality or only the address of the object. We hope that our article will help you solve problems related to the search for this code.

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