How to find out capacitor capacitance

How to find out capacitor capacitance

The capacity is the main parameter characterizing the size of electric charges and the electric field accumulated by the capacitor conductors.

Elexicity is measured in farads (f), microfarads, nanopharades and picopharades. This indicator is calculated as the ratio of the charger-plastin to the voltage between them. A capacity of 1 pharand has a capacitor with an electronic charge of 1 pendant at a voltage of 1 volt. To determine this parameter, it is necessary to take into account the current working area of \u200b\u200bthe pads, their shape, which can be flat, spherical or cylindrical, as well as the distance between them. The container increases in the presence of a dielectric in the gap of the conductors. Dielectric material is most often mica or paper.

For capacitors with conductors in the form of flat plates, the container is calculated according to the following formula: C \u003d (E0*E*S)/D, where E0 is a constant value equal to the number 8.854187817, multiplied by 10 to minus twelfth degree, E is relative permeability Dielectric, s - lining area, D - distance between linings.

You can determine the container in accordance with the Gaussian system by the formula: C \u003d (E*S)/4PD, where P \u003d 3.14.

The capacitance of capacitors with cylindrical and spherical linings is calculated taking into account their radii according to the following formula: C \u003d E0*E*4P*R1R2/D, where R1 and R2 are the radius of the pads. If the distance (D) between the linings is less than the radius R1, then the container can be calculated by the formula for capacitors with flat conductors given above.

By combining several capacitors into the battery, you can significantly increase their capacity and voltage. The battery capacity with a parallel connection will be equal to the total capacity of individual capacitors. If the capacitors are connected sequentially, that is, the second lining of the first capacitor is the first lining of the subsequent and forms a single conductor with it, the total capacity of the battery is calculated by the summation of the values \u200b\u200bin the reverse tanks of the elements included in it. Provided that all capacitors have the same capacity C1, the total capacity is determined by the formula: C \u003d (1/N)*C1.

Thus, having several capacitors in stock, you can get a battery with a fairly large container. The size of the container can be calculated in advance using the above formulas.

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