How to lengthen a short dress

How to lengthen a short dress

There are situations when the dress turns out to be too short, and I don't want to part with him. For example, if it was purchased without fitting (as a gift or via the Internet), jumped due to the fact that you recovered, or does not fall into the boundaries of the working dress. It turns out that there are several ways to correct the situation and leave a favorite outfit in your wardrobe. So, consider the most accessible options for home use how to lengthen a short dress.

Extend the hemp

The easiest way to make a dress is longer - to lengthen the hem itself. Immediately, we note that it is suitable if you do not have enough 2-4 cm for the perfect length. Then take the dress and carefully inspect its lower part from the wrong side. If the hem has these centimeters you need, you can proceed to elongation. For this, the hem need to fracture and smooth out well. After that, enter to the bottom of the elongated dresses of the strip from the same or other fabric, which will now perform the role of the hen. Carefully sushrify the new hem, so that it is not clear that he is "not native."

Insert stripes from such a fabric

If the length of the heater does not solve the problem, you can add a dress the necessary centimeters with a strip from the same or similar to the fabric texture. This method also does not imply anything difficult: carefully expand the bottom of the bottom of the dresses and with the help of an iron (ideally - with the digestion function) thoroughly scream it. Prepare the material for the binder (measure and cut the strip-desired and width) and enter the dresses. In completion, we clamp the crawled strip of the tissue along the bottom edge and flash. We immediately note that you can use for such a procedure the fabric of the same color as a dress, contrasting or harmonious to him.

Use lace

Another simple way to make a dress is longer - to sew the bottom lace. At the same time, you can use both the finished accessories purchased in the store, and link the lace by the crochet on your own (if there are appropriate skills). Alternatively, you can take a lace fabric as an insert. In this case, you need to cut off a smooth lane from the bottom of the dresses (select the width of the cut slicer). Now just a trick between the remaining part of the dress and a cut lace insert. We advise you to apply the contrasting colors of Lace - so your updated dress will look more effectively.

Sevive volani

Want to make your short dress more flirty - lengthen it with the help of flutes. This method will require pre-training from you. Therefore, we immediately think about how much the swans will be on your dress, what widths they will be and from which fabric are made. In this regard, there may be a lot of options: the waist can be one or more, they can be narrow or wide, the fabric can be the same or other texture, color is a contrast or similar dress. When you decide on the choice and go for a cloth to the store, buy also tapes of the same color as the volanesses. After you finish the bottom of the dress with swans, decorate the dresses purchased tapes to get a complete harmonious image.

Making coquetku

Such a way to lengthen the dress can be called the most difficult of all here presented here, because it will require a certain skill in your sewing plan. Here the approach is completely different - from the belt. Therefore, they will write (or cut) a dress precisely in the belt area. If there are dresses on the cut bottom (skirt) of the dresses, dissolve them so that they do not interfere in the future. From the selected piece of fabric, we make a coquetka (it may be of this color as a dress, or a contrasting shade) and sew it, connecting the bottom and top of the dress again. We also recommend from the material that was used for the coquette, make decor elements, cuffs (if the dress is sleeved) or overhead pockets.

We presented you the most simple ways to lengthen a short dress that do not require training and large material costs. At the same time, they can not only solve the problem of the length of the outfit, but also to transform it. In more detail about one of the ways to add a skirt length, which is quite successfully used for dresses, look at the video.

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