How to tie the heads a bandage

How to tie the heads a bandage

Spring is approaching seven-mile steps, which means that it is time to update his wardrobe and make it even brighter. No one speaks of buying expensive things, because you can do it with your own hands, for example, to tie a bright and beautiful bandage. Let's find out today how to do it and that for this you need to know.

Knit bandage

Not everyone can use the needles, and they do something beautiful, too, too, not everyone. This does not mean at all that it is not easy to do this, most likely, most of those who do not know how to knit, it seems that it seems. In fact, everything is much easier, so carefully read the instructions and everything will immediately become understandable and simple.

If you alone do not know how to knit on the knitting needles, it means that for you such a task will be for you, so arms with all the necessary tools and materials and make yourself a bandage on the head.

You can do this in different ways, here you yourself are defined:

  • what color mating will
  • what pattern
  • what threads you will knit
  • its thickness and width

It turns out that all the parameters you specify yourself yourself, if you decide to make it individual and so that no one has such a dressing.

In fact, it is very profitable and practical to know how to knit bandages on the head, because you have the opportunity to acquire any thing you like, decoration, shoes. After all, for it, you will not need to buy anything else - just tie a bandage on the head, and your image will be estimated 100%.

Nuances of manufacture

Let's first consider the overlapping knitting method. In this case, you have the opportunity to make an interesting spring bandage. Here the overheet is provided by a slot, which sharing the product into two completely separate details. They, in turn, are made precisely overweight.

In this case, all sizes you will choose individually, because your head width is yours, and the style too. It is very important before proceeding to the mating strips on the head, to measure her girth, because most often, threads, of which it is manufactured, not very much and pull, so have this fact. In the process of mating it is necessary to remember the following:

  • It is also necessary to remember that in order for the finished product very well (in the sticking of your head), it is necessary to take it on the sides, you should not forget about it.
  • The exact number of loops for such a product cannot be called, because this parameter will depend on two factors - the mating density and the density of the yarn.
  • Do not forget that the mating is made by the classic method - hinges and facial. In this case, the knitting in a circle is not relevant. It turns out that the structure of the rubber band is ultimately typical.

Yarn on the bandage

If you want to tie a wide bandage from the yarn, then the optimal option will be the purchase of acrylic and mohair (here 1: 1 ratio):

  • It all begins with a spray gum, whose size should turn out 2 x 2.
  • In this case, everything is simple - we alternate, as usual, facial and invalid loops.
  • We need a strip on the head to work out of two strips. To do this, you will have to divide the loops for two (the amount in this case should be equal - a very important rule so that everything is symmetrical).
  • So that everything happens, as it should be, you need to use another needle. Very simple option - one part of the loops just remove on this needle. If there is no one at hand, then take the pin and throw a loop on it.
  • After you check each of the available bands, you need to cross them, and then, immediately need to go to the mating with a standard way - we convede the usual gum.

In order to work out as it should be combined with each other two end of the product, it is necessary to use an additional thread, which will need to be done through extreme loops. It is relevant to use a knitting hook.

Wandering with patterns

If you decide to make a dressing with a pattern, then follow the following rules:

  • The width of the product in this case will be the same, this is a prerequisite for dressings with the pattern, otherwise, the final result is hardly pleased.
  • It is necessary to calculate the length on the basis of such a parameter as the scuffing of the head, so that such a parameter is calculated individually.
  • It is necessary to knit the product in the transverse direction, but do not forget that the edges will need to raise a viscous dressing type.
  • Do not forget that in the center it will be necessary to create a pattern. The optimal option is a spit from the harnesses that are woven with each other. It should also be noted that it is formed along the entire length of the product.
  • You will need to connect the end and the beginning of the product being manufactured by a seam that will be visible only from the inside.

  • As for the sweatshirt, it can be compared with a rubber band by its structure.
  • It is best for the manufacture of such a product to use the knitting needles with a diameter of 4 mm.
  • The structure of such a bandage on the head is the next - the edges of the product are made by a handful viscous, the center should be created by a pigtail, which consists of two harnesses, crossed together. Without additional needles in this process, just can not do.
  • In fact, the scheme of the process is quite simple, especially if you have an instruction for the manufacture, and you correctly alternate loops with each other.

To, as it should be, complete the bandage on the head, you need a yarn thread and a needle, which has a wide ear.

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