Fir you can knit, it means that you are a real master who is able to create "masterpieces" with their own hands. Let's deal today in how to tie a cap from thick yarn, because such a material today is the most relevant and fashionable.
Fashionable yarn
To date, the most fashionable trend of this season is the products that are made from Helsink (special dense and very large yarn). Some were considered very convenient that they have a grandmother who perfectly knits and decide to ask for something from the strands under consideration. Anything, idea, in fact, very good, but do not forget that you also need to work with such material too. There are nuances here, which you need to know everyone who wants to make the manufacture of such a product.
Some think that it is difficult to work with such a material, but in fact it is not. There are nuances here who need to know, but the knitting technique itself is very simple, so even an inexperienced needlewoman can cope with the goal. If you can explain with your grandmother all the details and differences of this process, it will also cope with the knitting cap from such a material.
It should be immediately noted that not all thick threads can be suitable for knitting caps, so such a nuance should also be taken into account, at the moment, the thick yarn is called yarn motility, the weight of which is 100 g, and the length of the thread in this case is not more than 140 m . In special purpose stores, as well as on the vending points of the needlework, you can easily find a thick yarn, both natural origin and synthetic.
The optimal option in this case use natural yarn, because such material is more practical. Among other things, only natural wool will not cause an allergic reaction, the scalp. Among other things, it is very light, and therefore wearing it will be pleasant and comfortable.
Nuances of manufacture
Some needlewomen can say that they are not so easy to tie the cap, and they will be right, because the hat is not the simplest and elementary product, but this does not concern the thick yarn and products from it. In fact, in this case, the simplest knitting scheme is applicable, so there should be no special difficulties here.
To create a headdress from thick yarn, a facial surface is used. Despite the elemental type of manufacture, such a hat looks really original and beautifully, in the form of the surface will resemble braids, and it will be very unusual.
Do not think that manifesting your skill in mating, you can make such a product or original. It is necessary to knit thick yarn in an elementary way, that is, a stroy, also because such a yarn is a very surround and other kind of knitting will make the product too much, bulky and not at all beautiful. The appearance of such a product will be reminding the bowler, which will choose to wear headlong.
Materials and tools for yarn
Before you begin to implement the conceived, you need to get everything necessary, namely:
- Fat yarn is the basis for our cap. We will need it 130-140 m (if you want a cap with a pompon, then you will need a dumb more yarn, keep it in mind).
- Thick knitting needles - you need to make two such sets, the diameter of them should be at least 15 mm, the optimal version is 25 mm. It should be borne in mind that the thicker the needles that you will knit, the volume will be the ready-made product.
- Half thread - it needs to be chosen necessarily to tone the color of the yarn so that the product seems perfect.
Production scheme of the product under consideration:
- First form a loop. It is necessary to make it at the end of the purchased empty and tie tightly. This nodule will be the first loop of our future product. If you want to do everything perfect, then the width of the first loop should be such that a couple of spokes placed there.
- We put the spokes together and wear a loop earlier on them.
- After, type 20 loops, if the diameter of the spokes of 15 mm, if the knitting needles are thicker, then they score 15 loops.
- The optimal version was sang you immediately for a couple of loops, then it will be very simple to pricking them.
- The first row is ready, we begin to do the second, and, to do it is necessary from the first to our looping in the first row. It is necessary to lines the second row.
- The third row is performed in a similar way, the only thing that must be remembered so that the drawing of the caps turns out to be beautiful, you need to alternate the rows, namely, one knit with facial loops, the other - invalid.
- If the second is extended by the involving, then the third, respectively, should be extended by the facial loop. By the way, experienced needlewomen know that there is nothing easier than to knit the wrong loop, so the mating process of such a cap will be simplified, at least twice (the invalid hinges will be every two rows).
For those who do not know, the wrong loop differs from the front location of the thread itself. Which knit, and in the case of facial loop, such a thread should be between the spokes and the needlewoman. The process is quite simple - it is necessary to turn to the extreme loop to the needle, thereby picking up the thread, after that, it will be necessary to stretch it through the loop and make it a reset, and, from the previous row. If you do everything right, then after the third row you can see clear braids from which the cap will be.