How to tie spokes Cardigan

How to tie spokes Cardigan

One from universal of things wardrobe is an cardigan. He ideally fits and for holiday, and for everydayA plus this things is an then, what hiscan to tie on one's own. Thus way succeed beautiful and unique thing for your his wardrobe. Since the tie cardigan needles?

How to tie spokes Cardigan - choose
color yarn

Fashion changeable and before how buy yarn  and enter to work necessary decide with color range of cardigan:

  • red colors cardigan will okay combine with white, yellow, golden and black flowers;
  • beige color okay wear with clothes muted colors;
  • under cold blue color select necessary things  black, white and gray colors;
  • warm and light blue combined with clothes yellow and orange colors;
  • black coloruniversal. Especially under it okay fits clothes white, lightpink and silver colors.

How to knit a cardigan needles - yarn
and needles

Majority masters buy aluminum with coatings or steel needles. P is charging, it  number and thickness depends from species cardigan. For choice suitable density matings need to to tie sample size 10x10 cm needles different size. Sample wash and ironed, so can define degree shrinkage.

Advice: If doubt v choosing needle and yarn, then consult with seller or strictly follow instructions, supplied to scheme.

How to tie spokes elegant cardigan

Cardigan, which the will be able to tie even newcomer. looks great, a knitting enough simple.
need summer yarn thickness thread 400-500 m. on the 100 gram near 1 kg. precise number depends from size products.

Payment: to volume breast need to for free customized fit added 10 cm. This length paintings.


  • length paintings100 cm;
  • meaning back and persons50 cm.;
  • combination two patterns: front smooth surface and tracery net.

Payment matings: 20 cm tracery grid, 10 cm facial smooth surface, 40 cm tracery grid, 10 cm facial smooth surface, 20 cm tracery grid. V depending on from own size can also proportionally calculate.

sleeves three quarter, from them first 20 cm fit tracery net, farther embroidery. Armhole and sleeve tally classical way.

front smooth surface. 1p: all facial, 2p all purl.

openwork net on scheme:

  • 1 row: bead a loop, *sc, pair facial* before latest two, 1 front, 1 bead a loop;
  • 2 row: bead a loop, all seamy, bead a loop;
  • 3 row: bead a loop, front *sc, 2 together*, to repeat before the last facial;
  • 4 row: bead a loop, all seamy, bead a loop;
  • further repetition series with 1 on 4.

The cardigan is capable not only to decorate a woman, make a highlight in its image, but also warm in bad weather.

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