How to become a fairy with wings

How to become a fairy with wings

Who in childhood did not dreamed of being the fairy? A beautiful, little creature, which carries only good and able to generate magic and magic. Special faces are endowed with fluttering wings. In them, with a great desire, you can turn any person. There are such ways to reincarnation, they will be discussed ...

Some perceive attempts to turn into fairy in real life absurd, others - argue that they have developed the mystical abilities that have beautiful fluttering creatures. However, today there are many confirmations about the supernatural abilities of some people. There are those who know how to read thoughts, while others - move objects. Therefore, having an incredible will and faith in your strength, you can easily turn into a fairy with wings.

To become a flying fairy, you need to learn to meditate first. To do this, select yourself a comfortable posture, perhaps lotus, and close your eyes. Concentrate all your thoughts on a wish one - so that your wings have grown. If such manipulations do very often, it is indeed possible to feel the grown wings in reality - a new image is firmly just asked in your worldview.

Fairy Medite

In the mythical books of antiquity, methods of transformation into fairies with transparent wings are also described. The essence of one of the most common ways is: take a small piece of paper and write your cherished wish on it - to become a flying fair, and then wait for the full moon. Put a glass filled with clean water, so that the moon is reflected in the water. At this point, lower the leaf in the liquid so that the inscription completely wet. In such a secret night, the forces of the sky and the witchcraft moon help to commit miracles. Look carefully on the reflection of the moon during the ritual and repeat your desire several times. After graduating from a magical action, throw a wet piece of paper into the window, and put the glass under the bed - in the morning you will certainly become a fairy with magic wings. Experts of the whole mysterious claim that to improve the result, water for the ritual should be collected from seven different lakes, and the inscriptions on paper should be made by real ink.

There is also an ancient Russian way. To perform it, you will need two candles and a mirror. Wait until sunset and take action when pitching darkness. Put the mirror so that you are reflected in it to the maximum. By both sides, install the candles and burn them. Attentively, look at your reflection and repeat the phrase repeatedly - "Tomorrow I will become a fairy."

The last and most landing way to reincarnate into the fluttering fairy - make homemade wings! To do this, you will need:

  • colorless fat film;
  • scissors;
  • paints with tassels;
  • thin belt;
  • needle with threads;
  • hair polish with sparkles.

Cut out a tight film shape in the shape of wings, paint them with different colors. After a complete drying of the paint, the trick of the wings is worth to the strap and sprinkle with brilliant varnish. Wings are ready! Now put the wings on the window sill to get on them daylight. A week later, they will become magical.

Fairy wing

Remember - the fairy with wings can be pursuing only good intentions. Making good deeds, you definitely experience yourself a real wizard. In addition, your witchcraft entourage will not be visible, because the real fairy flies only at night. If the wings suddenly decorate - magical abilities disappear, re-becoming a wizard will not succeed!

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katerina 27/09/2015 at 3:01

i know one way such a thing you need to draw yourself at night in front of bedtime in the image of the fairies and write I want to become a fairy Well, what kind of you want to put it before bedtime under the pillow or the windowsill where the moonlight falls here and all the next day you see the result

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