How to create american apple id

How to create american apple id

American Apple ID can be created on your device or from a PC. To do this, you will need:

  • The device, which will create a new account.
  • Internet.
  • Mailbox in google, previously tied to the Apple ID.

Log out of your current Apple ID. To do this, go to the settings, click on the iTunes Store and App Store, click your account, and click "go". Out account
Open the App Store and download any application that does not require payment. In the resulting window, click the "Create Apple ID». entrance
Find the United States proposed the list of countries and set the checkbox next to it. The country
Scroll down the page and click "Agree". Agreement
Enter your details in the fields. In the first line, enter your e-mail google, previously activated by Apple. In the next two - the password from the new Apple ID. Then fill in the fields with the secret question and answer, enter a backup email, but also the month, day and year of birth.
If you do not have US credit card, then choose "None". If the card is - enter the card details.

Map and Address

Fill field. In the column "Title" you choose any of the options. in the columns "Name" write your name. The address can be entered invented, for example: Address - Moskovskaya, Address - ulitsa, Sity - Los Angeles, State - California, Zip - 90012. The phone number is also possible to enter any. After entering the data click "Next". Ready. Now you only have to confirm your new Apple ID with google mail address to which you registered your account. filled address

From the computer to register the US Apple ID more difficult as the US need a bank card. If you have it, run the iTunes, get out of the current account and click "Login." Will leave here a window like this: Will leave here a window
Click "Create Apple ID", in the next window - "Continue". Change the region, for this, click on top of the agreement "Click here" and select US, click Edit. Put a check mark at the bottom of the agreement and click "Agree". Screen
Fill in the fields, click "Create Apple ID". Nameless

The American Apple ID is created, it remains only to confirm it through Google Mail. Now you can download applications in the American Store.

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