How to remove the lighting plafof?

How to remove the lighting plafof?

The car - the design is quite complex, consisting of a variety of details and elements, and everything is not really known, but to solve problems as they arrive - the best solution. Today we will talk about how to remove the light bulb in the car, and that you need to know.


As everyone knows, in the salon of each car there is a light bulb, which is called the lighting device of the salon lighting, so, sometimes it happens that it must be removed or change it to a new one, and in this case, without dismantling the old one, just do not do. The reason for such a need can be:

  • breakdown of an old light bulb
  • malfunctions in the lighting system, etc.

In order to go to the immediate detailed instructions, it is necessary to consider the necessary tools that may be needed in the process under consideration:

  • Hands from the right place (you must be extremely careful and that hands do not shake)
  • Screwdriver - such a tool is usually included in the package of modern cars. If this does not turn out for some reason, then you can apply any other screwdriver that you can take from home drawer tools or purchase in any construction store.
  • Light bulbs. For the process under consideration, you will need 3 pieces. It is best if your choice falls on monsocolone, because they are the optimal option for machine lighting. This does not mean that they will all need for one lighting design, two light bulbs will be needed to replace the design under consideration ahead, one, respectively - from behind.
  • Your free time. It will take it quite a bit, if only your hands are growing from the wrong place. So, in order to remove the light bulb and replace it with a new one in case of such a need, you will need to spend only 10 minutes of your time, maximum - 15, if there are some difficulties that, in principle, it should not arise.

It is clear that you can not crush your head and take the car to the maintenance station, where the process with the process under consideration will be cope in 5 minutes and take off the auto owner a certain amount of money. It is impossible to say specifically how much of its rates, but the fact that this procedure will cost at least 250 rubles, it is 100%.

If you are an economical person and consider that you should not give money for such a nonsense, then forward - carefully read the instructions for removing the light bulb of the salon lighting.

Step-by-step instruction

To begin with, I would like to say that even if you are not completely experienced in such processes, you should not call for the help of some experienced car owner, because even a teenager can be able to cope with the process under consideration. . So, scary - nothing, the main thing is that you all do extremely neatly and no anywhere in a hurry:

  • To begin with, you will need to take a screwdriver into your hands and very gently pose it the lighting design panel. It is necessary to do this from the head of the windshield, because it is from this side that there is a free not attached part of the structure. And by the way, this is not a recommendation, and the rule. Neglecting this rule can end the deformation of the lighting design - glass can burst, fled, etc.
  • You also need to know other details of this process - in case of having a speakerphone in the car, the microphone is built into the upholstery next to the lighting design, so it will be a little more difficult to open the cover and there will be more attentiveness and accuracy, so it is worth keeping in mind this fact.
  • If you can't open the lid because of the presence of a microphone, then you first have to take it first. For this process, you will also need a screwdriver that you can carefully pose all the latches on which it holds and pull it out, then continue the opening process on the lighting device.
  • After the stages done, go to the removal of the keypad, because without this you will not be able to get to the glass.
  • The next step is to remove the glass and see the light bulbs, which is very easy to remove, simply scroll them along the axis or by pressing the clamps pull them out from the lighting device.
  • It's all that concerns the removal of the light bulb from the lighting construction, which is ahead, now let's consider the process of removing the light bulb of their device, which is located in the middle of the car interior:
  • To get to the glass, it is necessary to start removing the plastic cap, which is done by the same screwdriver by subscribing the plug on the sides.
  • Then we remove the glass and so you got to the light bulb, which is very easy to remove from the base.

  • In the event that you have decided for any reason to pull out the entire plafof with all its components, then you will have to open a couple of bots. In this case, you will need a cross-hard screwdriver.

Next, the lighting panel, the one that in the middle. It is possible to remove the glass woolly after removing the plastic plug, and it is also not only removed, a screwdriver on the sides to pry between the trim and the panel.

The process only seems difficult, in fact it is very simple and no difficulty if you follow the above instruction, you should not have.

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