How to decompose the square three-stakes on multipliers

How to decompose the square three-stakes on multipliers

My article will help you understand the principle of decomposition of a square equation with three unknown to members.

The main method of decomposition of a square equation with three unknown members

  • Square equation with three unknowns refer to the equation of the type AX 2+ BX + s.
  • To decompose the square equation with three unknown, the general denominator will be put up for brackets.

Example with decomposition

  • We have a square three-half x 2+ 5x + 6. And we need to decompose it on multipliers, that is, get two brackets. So what will be in brackets?
  • To do this, look at the coefficients. This square three decreases three coefficients: 1, 5 and 6. We are interested in the second and third coefficients.
  • We need to find two such numbers that give 5 in the amount, that is, the second ratio, and the multiplication give 6. What are these numbers?
  • Well, what numbers in principle give 6 when multiplying. These numbers include: 1) 6 and 1, 2) 2 and 3.
  • The amount 6 and 1 gives in the end 7, which is not equal to 5, so this option is not suitable for us.
  • But the amount 2 and 3 suits us, because in the end gives 5, that is, the result of the second coefficient. When multiplying 2 and 3, in the end, give the result of the third coefficient.
  • As a result, our decomposition will look like (x + 2) (x + 3).

Now thanks to this article, you studied the rules for the decomposition of a square equation with three unknown members.

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