How to learn multiplication table in 5 minutes

How to learn multiplication table in 5 minutes

Since childhood, the familiar song "2x2 \u003d 4" causes a smile in adults. Immediately remember school years and multiplication table, which has given many difficulty. Now nothing has changed and children also have to learn the table. There are many methods for learning multiplication table, some even promise to learn a sign in a few minutes.

How to learn multiplication table in 5 minutes - a competent approach

Where do you start learning the table? From the basics and first will have to explain to the child how to multiply the number for the number. That is, before proceeding with a van of the table, it is necessary to understand the principle of multiplication.

We explain to the child that a simple example 2 multiply by 3 it means that the number 2 needs to be folded 3 times. And we show an example understandable to him, write this: 2 + 2 + 2 \u003d 6. Explaining the essence of multiplication. If the child is hard to understand why this example is written as 2x3 \u003d 6, then we take countable sticks, seeds, candy, cherries, etc. And with the help of these items, show an example for multiplication.

If the child learns it, then you can move to the next stage, in fact, the study of the table.

What kind of multiplication table is easier to learn?

Teachers of the old hardening claim that the table, which is now presented on the reverse side of the notebook in the form of columns, is not suitable for the first acquaintance. It can be just learn, but not understand how to use. And the present table that opens all the possibilities of multiplication is the Pythagore table. She was posted on every notebook in the Soviet years. Such a table used our moms and grandmothers.

The numbers in the plate are located symmetrically and the child, without even thinking, will look for symmetry and will quickly find the right answer.

And even if the child saw and realized the principle, how to use a tip table, then he will need to learn only half the table. Because the remaining part is the repetition of the learned material. And also, the columns and examples of the usual table sometimes distract and the schoolboy may get confused, why do you need unnecessary information. It can learn the table in order, but to use the torque-learned material - the task is not the lungs.

How to learn multiplication table in 5 minutes

Table 2 and 10 easy to learn even in 5 minutes! It is important to show the child to understand the principle of multiplication, and then a simple mathematics. For example, to multiply a number of 10, you need to fold it as much time, that is, 10 times. Etc. And to get an answer, you just need to add 0 to the resulting digit and say the response received. Children who completed the first class are already perfectly considered within 100 and will be able to translate a unit to dozens.

How easy to learn table on 2? It can be done literally in 5 minutes. The child already knows how to fold the same numbers, you only need to explain to him the principle and to work out the learned material.

Did you learn a sign on 2? We boldly go to the figure 4, and the table on 3 will postpone on the case. The child will remember the faster table on 4, if he explains that this is the same plate, like 2, only all the answers need to double. If 2x2 \u003d 4, then 2x4 \u003d 8, etc. Multiple 2, got the answer, then the result was multiplied again by 2.

Multiplication by 3 is sometimes harder than the entire table, so a simple count will help:

How to learn multiplication table. Easy way

The multiplication table on 5 is also easy to be easily like 2 and 10. Simple answers, an account within 5. Little hint: If even is multiplied to an odd, the answer is always odd to 0. For example, 5 multiply by 2 will be 10, on 4 It will be 20, on 6 will be 30. And on the contrary, if even multiplied by 5, they received the number ending with this figure: 5 to 3 \u003d 15, etc.

After the table on 5, immediately jump on the study of the sign on 9. And to teach the table easily with the help of fingers. When you master this digit, everyone else is easily given: a table for 6.7 and 8. The child just needs to explain that he already knows the answers to these examples, only they are recorded on the contrary. If 2 on 8 will be 16, then 8 to 2 will also be 16.

Now you know how to quickly learn the multiplication table, and we advise not to rush, do not force the child to do what he does not want to do in pleasure always and everywhere, even on vacation and transport, turning the lessons in the game. Good luck!

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