How to terminate the contract

How to terminate the contract

Contract contract is one of the oldest ways to resolve financial and labor relations between the customer and the Contractor. He was known for the Ancient Romans and, having proveing \u200b\u200bits effectiveness, was preserved to the present day. At the same time, no matter how qualitatively a document was drawn up, sometimes the human factor is able to create conditions when the contract must be terminated.

There are several varieties of the above-mentioned contract. It is used to regulate household, construction, design and survey work, for work for state and municipal needs.
It can also be issued in any compensated service provision and in research works to create new products and technologies.

Blank contract contract You can download on our site.

Sample of the completed contract Swing here.

Initiative of one of the parties can be terminated both at the initiative of one of the parties (with the consent of the second party) and through the court. During the termination, it is necessary to solve questions about how both parties compensate to each other losses caused in connection with the partial performance of work, temporary, labor and financial costs of the parties.

In order to terminate the contract, you need to have official grounds. In accordance with articles 715 and 717 GKRF The customer has the right to unilaterally refuse the deal if:

  • the work was made poorly;
  • the performer does not fit in the agreed period;
  • during the execution of the order, the Contractor informs about the need for additional work and their payment that have not been provided for by the current contract.

Also, the Customer may simply refuse the Treaty as desired, but at the same time he must fully pay the work carried out at the time of the discontinuity and compensate the material damage to the Contractor.


The contractor has the right to terminate the contract of the contract unilaterally in the following situations:

  • the customer does not provide the materials specified in the contract and the tools necessary to fulfill work;
  • the customer provides materials and tools, but in quality, not relevant standards, and refuses to solve this issue;
  • the contract is considered not concluded if it does not register the cost of work (or methods for its calculation);
  • the contractor increased the cost of work due to circumstances independent (for example, an increase in the value of materials), and the customer refuses to pay.

In accordance with common standardsapplicable to all contracts, the contract of the contract can be terminated by recognizing it invalid. Basins in this case will be as follows:

  • it has been proven that the contract was concluded by coercion;
  • the presence of a mental disorder in one of the parties of the transaction, i.e. the inability to respond to its decisions;
  • if there were significant violations of the law when concluding the transaction;
  • if the contract is concluded by persons deprived of the right to conclude such transactions.

Nutty transactions

It is necessary in a timely manner in writing to warn the second side of your desire to abandon the contract. In the absence of consent between the parties, it is necessary to apply to the court with the documents attached to it (relevant specific situations). The court will consider all evidence and will make an appropriate decision.

Application to the court on termination 1

Application to the court on termination 2

Application form to the court on termination of the contract Presented on our website.

Sample of the filled statement to the court on termination of the contract You can download here.

Distribute the contract is unilaterally not always easy. Try to maximize yourself from unpleasant trials, carefully approaching the compilation of the contract before its conclusion.

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