How to register a person in the apartment

How to register a person in the apartment

It would seem that the process of registration of a person in the apartment is quite simple: he was discharged from the past, gathered all the documents and received a cherished register stamp. However, in practice, everything goes much longer and more difficult, because at every stage a person has to face his problems. In this article you will find the answers to your questions and familiarize yourself with the procedure for registering a person in the apartment.

Who can we register in the apartment

The purpose of the settlement may be not only your relative or friend, but also an extraneous person, however, the proposal table and the management company are often asked about your relationship. Especially often this happens if we are talking about a foreign citizen, as they can use registration for various kinds of privileges in the life of the country.

Nevertheless, you should not worry if a person is not consistent with you in relationship - the documents will still be decorated.

Process Prescription

It all starts when a person is issued from its own place of living. From that moment on, the law comes in a special moment: a citizen is obliged to register at a new place of residence no later than a week after arrival at him. Please note that the law says on arrival, and not discharge.

If you can prove that all the time was absent in the city or the area of \u200b\u200bfuture registration for good reasons or in view of personal affairs, then you will not be imposed on you. However, if you could not prove it, you will have to pay from two to three thousand fine for such a late.

  • Arrange personally in the passport table at the same time you prescribe. With you must be identification documents, a domic book, ownership documents;
  • Regarding without a person is possible, but he must write in advance and assure power of attorney at the notary. Many bodies refuse to work with such a document, do not forget to clarify this moment in advance;
  • If you are the sole owner of the apartment, then there will be no problems, however, if the owners are somewhat, then you will have to get their permission. They should also be officially certified.

You both fill out applications for the passport staff. Download and see it in advance here.

The answer will be obtained in the area from three to seven days, after which they are prescribed stamp in the passport.

Required documents

The full list of documents is not as great, but it depends entirely on your situation:

  • You will need your passport and a passport of a person prescribed;
  • Documents on an apartment: a house book and ownership;
  • If prescribed - a man, then you will need a military ID;
  • When he cannot attends, the notarial power of attorney is written in your name, however, it is worth not to forget that it may not be taken;
  • If there are several owners, then you will need their signatures for consent, also certified notarized, or their personal appearance and verbal confirmation of consent.

At the same time, it is worth considering the standards of registration. In each region, they differ slightly, so, in St. Petersburg, one citizen may have nine square meters of an apartment. If you exceed this rate, then the request will be denied, and on the fact of the already prescribed verification will be checked.

If we are talking about temporary registration, then all the same rules are valid here, but now the stamp in the passport is not put, and the period itself is valid for only six months. This type of registration at the place of stay is quite convenient, if you already have a registration itself.

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