How to sell a room in a hostel

How to sell a room in a hostel

Conducting real estate purchase and sale transactions mainly has similar features. At the same time, additional factors can influence each specific case on the sequence of actions, pricing, sales strategy. The sale of the room in the hostel has its own features.

To sell a room in a hostel, you first need to privatize it. Otherwise, the transaction is considered invalid. If your room is not yet privatized, contact the district administration with passports of all citizens registered on this area and certificates of the birth of minors of children, a social hire agreement from the municipality, a technical service, extracting from the house book, certified by the failures of the remaining tenants from the preemptive right of purchase, information about Financial personal account.

After solving all formalities, you can start directly to sell, and the rules here are almost the same for all residential facilities. Purely remove the room, try to give her a cozy view.

Take a picture of the object, make at least 6 pictures. It is better to shoot at day lighting.

Analyze Internet resources and newspapers. Choose at least thirty best sites and three newspapers to serve. Upgrade your minimum once a week.

Get ready for display Carefully, think about how you show your room that you will talk to a potential buyer, describe the advantages of your room. Agree in advance with your neighbors so that they do not interfere with you on the day of viewing, try to set them up for a friendly way to the future apartments.

When a buyer finds, sign an agreement with him on making a deposit (usually it is no more than 5%), make a reservation of your departure from the room, the day of signing the contract. Next, it will be left to make a deal at the notary and transfer the keys.

It should be noted that it may seem difficult to sell a room in the hostel. At the same time, if you are patient, sequentially, you will not limit customer search zone with only your city (apply and in non-resident portals), you will still work out.

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