How to congratulate mom happy birthday?

How to congratulate mom happy birthday?

Mom is the most expensive person in the life of each of us. And, of course, she deserves the best and unforgettable gift. Let's look at a few unusual ideas to my mother's day.

Chocolate greeting

You can buy ready-made chocolate letters or even a box of sweets with a ready-made inscription, but you can make them yourself.
I present to you one of the classic recipes:

  • melt in the water bath 200 grams of chocolate (grade Choose at your discretion). At the same time, constantly stumble it with a wooden spatula, not bringing to a boil

  • gently break the melted chocolate in the prepared molds. It is better to use silicone, it is easier to remove ready letters.
  • put the molds for about an hour in the refrigerator, the letters should be frozen.
  • turn over the shape on the bakery parchment and get ready letters.

  • put congratulations to a beautiful box in a certain order, collecting from letters required text

A little patience and unusual congratulations are ready!

Gift Certificate

Currently, various gift certificates have been very popular. Choosing a gift, we want to make a surprise's birthday - to give what he dreams about. As I would be delighted with a new shoes or a beautiful dress, which decorate the showcase of the famous store. Or did you notice the tired of fatigue on your favorite face? Then think about the certificate in the spa or massage salon.

Teddy bouquet

There are such bouquets as a rule are not more expensive than ordinary bouquets of colors. But the choice of registration is huge. There are bouquets consisting of only toys, and there are flower-plush compositions. And those and others look very impressive. You can choose a bouquet consisting of your favorite colors and animals of the birthday girl.

Whatever gift you have chosen, the most important thing for parents is to know that their children appreciate and love. Any gift, presented from the pure heart, will be for the mother the best in the world.

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