How to see the train schedule

How to see the train schedule

Each at least once in his life had to use railway transport. Going on vacation or to visit relatives, quite often come across difficulties: please find out the timetable of long-distance trains or trains, tickets in the checkout, etc. There are several ways to save time when planning a trip.

Check out the train schedule through reference or internet.

The current level of development of digital and information technologies allows you to get almost any information without leaving home. The easiest and most affordable way to find out the train schedule remains reference service. Enough to call on the phone and get the information you need. But it happens that the operator is not so easy to reach, especially in the midst of the holiday season. In this case, you should resort to the next method. If you have access to the Internet, use one of the many existing information services. Consider some of them.

Check out the train schedules through the Russian Railways service.

On the site of Russian railways you can find out of interest timetable. To do this, it is enough to indicate the station of departure and arrival of the train, as well as the date and time of the flight. The search engine will immediately give you routes that match the request entered. In addition to the current schedule, you can learn a lot of other useful information. For example, selecting the desired flight, you can see availability and the cost of the ticket.


Check out the train schedule via Yandex timetables

You can also use the information service. yandex schedule. This site provides the same services as the Railways website. Specify the route and date of the trip, check the schedule, find the appropriate train and order a ticket to any way convenient for you.

You can also install an application that offers Yandex and always have a train schedule and trains at hand.


This article discusses only a small part of such services. Just enter in Yandex or in Google the corresponding request and find the right service for you. But it is worth remembering that you will use the services of any site, it will save your time and nerves, and will help you get a maximum of pleasure from a trip.

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