What to see in Iceland

What to see in Iceland

Far Iceland became particularly interesting for tourists, when in March 2010, the Volcano Eyyafyatlayokutl as a result of his eruption was frightened by the entire civilized world. Then, due to the huge number of ashes, which rose into the air, even paralyzed air traffic in Europe. And now the island in North Atlantic as a magnet attracts tourists from around the world. The main attractions of Iceland is her amazing nature.

Active volcanoes, thermal sources and eternal glaciers - such a cocktail to taste with real extremal. The beloved route of travelers is a kind of "Golden Ring". It includes the largest waterfall of Gutlfoss, which is especially beautiful in winter when water freezes in it.

Frozen waterfall

The ring includes the TingVilir Valley - it passes a tectonic rift between America and Europe. And also filled with water crater of an inactive volcano Kerid and Valley of Geysers.


The gold ring is located in close proximity to Reykjavik, in which there is also something to see. This is I. museum of first-settlementwho is arranged right on the site of the excavation of the first settlers of Iceland, and one of a kind Fallological museum, and unusual lutheran church Hatlgrimskirkya height 75 m.

Church as peak

In the old port of Reykjavik, it is worth sitting on a pleasure boat to ride a whale safari. So here is called walks in the open ocean, where you can see real whales.


The same boat sails and next to the deserted little islands located around. Here nest incredibly decorative Atlantic Puffin (accent on the first syllable), or as they are called - sea clowns. Second name she received due to the fact that the water excrete almost acrobatic stunts.

Two birds

The ice cave scappettle, which inside consists of their centuries-old icy layers. She is located in the natural park of the same name between the cities of Kirkyubayarklaustur and Hubn. It is noteworthy that except Iceland, such ice miracles are only in Greenland, Antarctica and Kamchatka.


After the frozen ice caves, it is simply necessary to go to the blue lagoon - a local geothermal resort. There you can enjoy swimming in warm lakes, which were formed due to the presence in the district of many hot geysers.

Warm waters

On warm memory of cold iceland, buy yourself warm woolen things related by hand from sheep wool. Sweater, hat and mittens for many years will remind you of an incredibly interesting country, in which it will definitely want to return more than once.

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