How to book a train ticket

How to book a train ticket

The queues on the ticket office and the train station to buy tickets go back. It is not necessary to spend your time and worry about the presence of free places. Travelers can book a train ticket, without leaving home.

First method - reservation by phone:

  • Call the Single Informcenter of Russian Railways by number 8 (800) 775-00-00.
  • Tell the response to the date operator and the route of the trip.
  • Choose from the proposed options and name the series and passport number.
  • Within three days, it is necessary to drive up to the ticket office of OJSC FPK and pay for booked tickets.
  • You can get acquainted with the list of ticket items here.
  • Please note that the trains following the Kaliningrad region, the service does not apply.
  • Booking charges for booking. The size depends on the cost of the ticket.

Booking a train ticket through website RZD:

  • You will need to register.
  • Go to selection of the route and purchase of tickets.
  • Specify the point of departure and arrival, the desired dates. You will open a schedule. Mark your train.
  • Choose a car and place.
  • Enter passenger data. Be careful when specifying the passport number.
  • The system will redirect you to the order payment page. Visa or MasterCard cards are accepted.
  • A confirmation will come to email.
  • Print the order form for receiving a ticket to a cashier or self-service terminal.
  • Some routes open an electronic registration, in which case a ticket on paper is not required. Look for the "ER" label when choosing a train.

If you do not have a bank card, you can book a train ticket with one of the intermediary sites.

  • Most Popular:,,
  • Payment is possible using WebMoney's electronic wallets, YandexDenga, Paypal or Qiwi.
  • For the provision of services is charged a service fee of from 100 to 1320 rubles.
  • After payment of the ticket, go through the train or print the order form for receiving the ticket at the checkout.

What you need to remember those who are going to book tickets for the train:

  • Tickets for internal routes start in 45 days, international ones for 60.
  • If you want to pass a ticket, you will need to drive up to the cashier of any railway station, the cancellation of the order via the Internet is impossible.
  • When returning the passenger, only the full or partial cost of the ticket is reimbursed (depending on the refund period), the commission fees are not compensated.
  • When receiving a ticket in a self-service terminal or a cash desk, an accurate order number is required. Print the form or take a picture of it on your phone.
  • If you have passed electronic registration, the ticket is not required. For landing on the train, only a passport is needed. If you have forgotten the number of the car and place, you can clarify this information from the train chief.
  • Do not postpone the last minute ticket booking, especially during the holiday season.

Taking advantage of one of the proposed options, you can book a train ticket in advance. Plan your trips and save time. Good luck!

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