How to connect the Internet in the village

How to connect the Internet in the village

Currently, the number of Internet users is inexorable grows. If in cities the overwhelming majority of people are constant network users, then in small villages, villages and villages, many are just dreaming of connecting to the World Wide Web. This is due to some compounds, such as the lack of coating, high cost of equipment.

First of all, all possible offers should be explored (connection tariffs, the cost of the necessary equipment, subscription fee) for the region of interest and connection options, including:

  • cable connection (fiber optic or network cable);
  • wireless connection (WiFi, mobile phone, 3G-modem);
  • satellite Internet.

The most reliable, stable and high-speed method is to connect through the fiber optic cable. If there is such a proposal for a specific settlement, then it is worth using them, although the cost of connecting is quite expensive. The wired network cable is not inferior to fiber optic, but still it is less reliable way. The disadvantage of this method - in the sections of the air gasket of the cable during a thunderstorm, the probability of failure of network equipment from static electricity arises.

If there is a telephone line on the territory of the settlement, it can also be used to connect to the Internet by connecting it to it through the ADSL modem and ordering the Internet access service at the telephone operator.

Sometimes due to the specifics of the terrain or distances is much easier and cheaper to connect the Internet using wireless equipment using Wi-Fi technology. However, in this case, the disadvantage is a potentially unstable signal due to radio interference. The cheapest option is to connect to the Internet through the mobile operator. To do this, buy a special modem or a mobile phone that can act as a modem. Connect through the operator to the Internet access service. Pay attention to the quality of the mobile communication signal.

White Coast-2

Bilateral and unilateral satellite Internet (SI) - a great option for distant settlements, but it is most expensive, because It provides for the purchase of far from notes equipment, as well as its installation and configuration by qualified employees. For the operation of the two-way SI, the user acquires a satellite antenna, transmitting and receiving blocks, as well as a satellite terminal. One-sided C provides for the presence of a satellite board (DVB card), a satellite antenna and a converter amplifier installed on it.

To make the final decision weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of each of the options and select the most suitable.

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