How to clean the teapot lemon acid

How to clean the teapot lemon acid

From time to time it is necessary to clean the scale that is formed on the kettle. Scale perfectly cleansing, especially lemon acid. Let us talk more in more detail in this article.

How to make a scale?

  • Scale is solid salt deposits that are in the water. Formed such types of deposits as a result of water heating. And if you do not clean scale, it can lead to a breakdown of an electric kettle.
  • Scale is going not only on the electric kettle, but also on any metal dishes, in which it often has to boil water.
  • It is believed that scale is harmful to the body, since it contains all sorts of impurities.

Cleaning scale in electrical kettle

  • One of the simplest and proven ways to remove scale is the use of citric acid.
  • Skip with a compound with citric acid gives a reaction. Thanks to this reaction, it is completely dissolved, and the inner part of the kettle will glisten like a new one.
  • In order to brush the kettle with citric acid, it is necessary:
  • 1 lemon acid package pour into the kettle with cold water and boil it several times.
  • After that, the water is to merge, and when the kettle cools the rinse under running water.
  • This method is light and safe. But it happens that too much scale appears on the kettle, then you will need to do such a procedure several times.

This method is suitable for glass kettles.

Delete scale with lemon

  • An ordinary lemon can be used to remove scale. To do this, it is necessary to cut a fruit into two parts and lemon juice to squeeze into the kettle with water and also let it rinse several times. You can also graze the walls of the teapot lemon, pay special attention to the places where much scale.
  • When water with lemon juice boils, it should not be filled immediately. Let she stand a little until he cooled.
  • You can also clean the lemon from the peel, cut and put in the kettle to boil several times. The effect will be the same. All the scale will disappear.

Cleaning scale in iron kettle

  • Cleaning scale in the iron kettle is more complicated, but it can also be eliminated with citric acid. It is necessary to be 1 lemon acid package (25 g) and 0.5 glasses of vinegar.
  • To begin with, we add vinegar to the cold water, bring to a boil.
  • Then after the kettle boils 1 time you need to add a bag with citric acid.
  • Boiling follows several times.
  • When water with vinegar and citric acid cools, it follows it to merge and rinse the kettle well.
  • If something else remains on the kettle, you can lose the walls of the kettle soda.
  • For this method, you can use completely any vinegar, including apple.

How to protect yourself from scale?

To scale appear, you need to adhere to just a few simple rules:

  1. Use water filters.
  2. Do not use any metal scrapers for the kettle.
  3. You do not need to boil water every time, it is better to merge it, to rinse the kettle and pour new, clean water.
  4. No need to pour a full kettle of water. It is better to pour so much water as necessary for one time of use.

Scale is harmful to the body, so he is slow with the cleansing of the kettle - it is not recommended. The faster it turns out to clean the kettle, the longer and better it will last.

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