How to open Skype?

How to open Skype?

The Internet is the most huge platform in the world for communication, earnings, trading, obtaining necessary information. Today we will talk about the first opportunity - communication. There are a lot of programs that are created in order for people to communicate with each other, even if they live in different parts of the world, and one of the most popular time at the moment is Skype.

Open the program

Thanks to this program, you can not just hear your interlocutor, but also to see, but on this possibility of this program do not end:

  • leave voice messages
  • video messages
  • chat
  • create a conference conference

Let's consider in more detail the topic, how can you open Skype, and what needs to be done for this.

To open the program, to start it you need to download, and to great happiness, you can do it completely free. In consequence, it will be necessary to update it quite often (this feature is also free), so that the user can have on its computer or mobile device the new version of this program with new features.

After the program is downloaded, you should register, as in any other program of similar appointment or social network.


The process is quite simple, because all the required competently and accurately set out in the program, so difficulties with this stage of opening the program should not occur. Before us the window of the downloaded program, and go to the registration process, which will take you no more than 3 minutes of time:

  • Click on the "Register" icon, to highlight the window in which there will be empty graphs. Signed on top. They will need to be filled in obligatory. Here are indicated by your full name. And other personal data. It is worth noting that your data should be real in order to avoid various kinds of misunderstandings.
  • It is also necessary to notice the fact that in some cases, for example, in specifying the electronic address, you must duplicate such data. It is necessary for the accuracy of information, because the first time you could make a mistake in one of the characters, which will already lead to some difficulties in consequences.
  • In the column "Presumable Using Skype" you need to choose - "mostly for private conversations."
  • After, invent the password and login in Skype. Many do easier, install on all programs and social networks the same password and login so as not to forget none of them and not get confused. What is happening completely and near.
  • After the steps done, choose how Skype will inform you about news and updates, most often users choose the option "on email". You can also so that all notifications come to your phone.
  • Learn to the Terms of Use of this program, and after filling all the necessary fields, save the information you entered.

The account was created, you entered your page, so to speak. "The page", where you can add interlocutors, send them cute smiles, communicate through video links, create video conferencing, communicating immediately with several interlocutors.

Reading the list of required fill in the graph and rows may seem. That this process will take a lot of time, but in fact, in practice. You will make sure. With just a couple of dozen clicks on certain buttons and several included lines, they will take just a few minutes.

Open Skype simply

To do not long search for a skap folder on your computer, but to open the program just a few clicks, the optimal solution is to establish a shortcut of the program under consideration on the desktop. How to do it, find out right now:

  1. Click on the icon with the image of your PC
  2. Open the disc on which the program under consideration is installed, we find the Program Files folder (most often, it is where the program is automatically saved) and find the folder with Skype sign (you just need to try to drag and send it to the desktop).
  3. Right-click on the folder found and select the "Create Label" function. After that, the "Send to Desktop" function.

The case is done, now, in order to open the program, you will need only a couple of times to click on the icon with the image of Skype logo, it will always be at your hand.

You should also not forget that the program is also on the tablet, and on a netbook, and on a mobile phone.

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