How to find wi fi

How to find wi fi

All modern gadgets have built-in Wi Fi, so communication operators are trying to provide wireless services in various public places: restaurants, cafes, land transport, metro, airports, shops, libraries, hotels. Connecting to the network in a big city is almost everywhere. Fly free access points of Wi Fi You can on the Internet.

Access to Wai Fi is currently possible not only in the Moscow metro. In buses, trams, the trolley buses of many large cities occurs a sign of the type "Free Wi-Fi Zone". So, they have routers that receive the signal and distributing it in the form of Wi Fi. The speed is usually small, depends on the number of passengers connected to the network, but it is enough to load the browser, entry into the social network. You can connect using any device that supports Wi Fi. Having encountered a label about the Wi Fi service sticker, open the list of available networks, select Rostelecom_Wi-Fi, connect it on your gadget.

In the cafe " MacDonalds."You can not only eat, but also constantly stay connected via wireless standard Wi-Fi connection. As a rule, the service is free here. Specify from the cashier or look for the "Wi-Fi" sticker, it is usually in a prominent place. Enable Wi fi on your gadget, start your search online. In the list, select «mcdonalds», connect. It will take several seconds for the connection to the Internet. If the network was not found immediately, update the list of available networks.

Many hours waiting for your flight at the airport, you can brighten up the communication with the Internet. For a free call to the device, set application " Skype Wi-Fi" In the waiting rooms, look for information about the unlimited Internet zone or at home go to the airport site, the necessary information will be there. Connect to Wi Fi, select "DME_FREE" in the list of available networks. Run the browser, open any site. Information on the terms of use of the service will be displayed on the screen. Click "Continue". Everything can be enjoyed to communicate, listen to music, browse mail.

Some airlines finally found the ability to provide their passengers to the network directly from the aircraft. Wai Fi in the air is not cheap, but in an emergency, when the Internet access is necessary, you can pay the Wi-Fi service bank card. For example, the airline " Transaero."For a virtual journey takes 400 rubles. in an hour. The cost of unlimited Internet is 800 rubles. Name of the network is the same - Transaero. While Wi Fi is available on the flight from Moscow to Vladivostok and back. But satellite equipment is installed on other aircraft.

In Moscow, all lines of the metro are equipped with Wi Fi. Connect to the network in the subway is no longer a problem. To do this, perform several steps. In the list of available networks, find "Mosmetro_Free". If the network is not visible, update the list. Run the browser, enter the address of any site, click "ENTER". In case of failure, if the entrance to the Internet did not occur, repeat all the actions. With a positive result, the connection window will open, you will fall on the portal "" You can use the network. The Wi-Fi network is configured in the subway wagons, work at the station is not guaranteed.

Wi-Fi service is not always free in public places. If the password is required when connecting to the network, it means that the Internet is paid in this place. Pay the administrator and find out the password. For search free points Laptop access can be installed a special application. For instance, WEFI, can download online.

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