For needlewomen who know how to knit, often in the process of manufacturing some product, it is difficult to precisely with a neck, although in fact it's beautifully aroused it, it's not so difficult to tosses. Let's figure it out today in how it is right and quick to learn to tie the neck and that for this you need to know.
Types of Gorlovin
It is clear that in order for the product to be considered completed, it is necessary that its edges are as expected, decorated. This state of affairs also applies to the neck, inclusive (and, no matter what product you make).
Needlewomen know that it is possible to knit any product with various methods, so, and to toss the neck - too. Most often, this process is made by the knitting needles, so to speak, according to the classics of the genre, but there are those who manage to toss the neck of the crochet (but this process is much more complicated).
The neckline can be both round and rectangular (do not forget about the desire to make a cut out of a car).
Reinstall the neck
For starters, let's look at one of the simplest methods to make the neck completed. To do this, we need small knitting needles, their diameter should be an order of magnitude less than those you and "created" your product. The knitting needles are better to choose circular. The process in question will look like this:
- First you need to dial the loops on the edge of the manufactured product (one needle and threads are performed).
- On the pieces of cutting, where the rounding is coming, you need to enter the needle in the loop, which is located under the edge loop. This process is very important, because thanks to it, all the "flaws", which often admit the needlewomen (incorrectly closed loops, flaws, etc.).
- Threads need to pick up the needle, and the loop, which is formed in this process, should be removed on the front side. This is a mandatory rule for the correct finishing of the neck. In this case, the loop remains on the knitting itself, while the subsequent set should be made according to the same scheme.
- In order for the finishing of the neck is beautiful and symmetrical. It is necessary to monitor the correct number of loops. In order to calculate them, you need to give the back and the front of the neck exactly in order and make sure that the amount of loops made the number of calculated loops. Otherwise, as a result, you can get a completely uneven neck, which will spoil the type of whole product.
- If you dial loops in areas without special irregularities, then in this case it will be necessary to enter the needle for the edge loop and pull the thread.
Process nuances
There are a number of details about which everyone should know who began to oblige the neck of the product being manufactured:
- It often happens that the rubber band turns out several times more than necessary. In order for this not happened, it is necessary to always miss each fourth loop in areas without irregularities.
- As soon as you get the required amount of loops, you can start the strapping process. Most often, such a process uses a gum 2 to 2.
- As soon as you leased the height of the beaks (in this case, it takes its double value), it is necessary to tailor the hinges from the wrong side (it is better to do with a regular needle).
- If you want the cutout of your product to be expressive, you will need the first row of the loops that you scored, to penetrate the hinges right on the front side. After that, to continue the strapping process, as was told above.
The finish of the neck of Baika
In order for the neck so that the neck is really beautiful and neat, often needlewomen use the following method - make the beck separately, and then it is tied up the throat itself. To say that this way is separated too simple - it is impossible, but the result you will get, you really will please:
- First, we correctly calculate the number of loops - this is the first important tap in the finishing of the neck. In this case, you will need a gum not 2x2, and 1x1. 2-3 centimeters need to be knitted with a simple elastic, after which the double joined.
- A double elastic will need to tie at least 3 rows, then it is necessary to knit face loops, and not to forget to alternate them. In this case, an invalible loop will be removed on one knitting, on the other - facial.
- You will need to close with one of the spice of the loop. After that, immediately walk on them with an iron, but the looting from the other knitting needles will have to put on a thick thread (they will also need to go through the iron).
- After that, the cute seam will need to be sewed each of these loops in the face of the product. Experienced needlewomen recommend this process to begin to do from the right shoulder seam.
- When you can, as it should be, to separate the front side of the hinges indicated above. It can be started to finish the involving side (it has an equally important role for a beautiful and strong product). The closed loops that we did on Beik will need to be carefully sewn in the throat (it is possible to do it with a needle and knitting needles, everything will depend on your ability to have needles).
The process of strapping the neck is not very difficult, especially when you have a detailed instruction in this process, as well as all the facts and nuances that you need to know that this process is not difficult.