What to look at Rhodes

What to look at Rhodes

Rhodes - fourth The magnitude of the island as part of the Greek Republic. Distance from the capital - 270 km. It is rich in archaeological and natural monuments that are enveloped in a rich interesting story. Part of the Rhodes belongs to UNESCO World Heritage. Let's go to the virtual tour of the most notable places of this mysterious and mounted island.

Town Lindos.

First Dorian city. Located at Cape Crane. This is the only relief of the VI century to N. e. Here and today people live in the old snow-white houses at the hill, on which the castle rises. From two sides of the city - azure laguna. Be sure to visit the Acropolis, at the entrance of which there is a unique petroglyph, and penetrate the story near the remains of the temple of Athens Lindia. Then you can view Svyaznikolaevskaya Orthodox Church, which was conceived on Place an old shrine more In the XIII century.

Ancient Kamiros

The second Dorian vintage city today can be seen in archaeological excavations. In Kamiros, unusually calm and sMIROMOTE atmosphere. Acropolis is almost destroyed but Well preserved the lower part of the city. Gulia Among the ancient ruins, you will see a central street that was a feature for two districts where wealthy people lived and poor. Then you will notice the area, where in those days people could go out and free expressnote indignation Government. Further Look at the temple and altar, as well as a water tank. Imagine: At that time in Kamiros There was a plumbing, and the pipes were preserved to the present day.

Seven sources

The most visited tourists place. Located 30 km from Rhodes. Powerful water source beat On the surface in seven nearby points. Spring water flows into the river Lutanisthen follows the tunnel for direction to artificial lake, which It is intended for collecting fresh water and is considered the only reservoir on the Rhodes. Here you can get indescribable impressions by passing through a narrow dark Tunnel Long B. 150 M.. Only in the middle of the way you will see the only source of light - the ventilation mine, where the sun rays come from. It is worth noting that go to you have to By ankle in the water.

Cape Prasonisi.

More This place is customary called - "Kiss of the two seas." It's about the southernmost point of the Rhodes, which connects with a slight little coastal length about 500 metersand width - in order 100 meters. The most remarkable thing that one way - warm And the calm Mediterranean Sea, and on the other - the cool and noisy Aegean Sea. Here is a real paradise for surifingistsbecause the wind is constantly walking on the cage, intensifying in the afternoon. However, it is worth noting that hotels in Cape are quite expensive, so tourists with a limited budget prefer Spartan conditions.

Valley Petaludes

Be sure to visit the valley of butterflies, if they were closer to the middle of the summer. At this time, the butterfly type is flying here from all over Europe. Thanks to the unique microclimate and the presence of trees styrax s.about the sweet vanilla smell, this is a favorite place of moths, which shame the trunks dense carpet. They can be approached and photographed, but if swagne - then the colorful bedspread immediately fibilically stops, closing millions pestry Wings Sunlight. Amazing spectacle!


The famous village is located 69 km from Rhodes, on Mount Akmithis. It is famous for production honey, embroidery and traditional drink "Sunna". The main attraction of these places is the Monastery of St. Panteleimon, which has been preserved to the present day from the XIV century and is the most ancient church in Rhodes. Find the temple is easy - it is in the center village. Orthodox tourist pilgrimage is committed every year. The abbot of the temple makes a part of the relics of sv. Panteleimon to Guests in the Silver Ark .

This is not all amazing places on Rhodes. Going on a trip, do not forget to charge the camera, because you are awaiting amazing adventures and a lot of positive emotions!

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