Crete or Rhodes - what is better

Crete or Rhodes - what is better

Sunny Greecethe country with landscapes amazing beauty. Rich story, religious shrine, azure sea and unique welcome atmosphere... Everything it features to unforgettable rest. Follow mark, what most favorite directions consider islands Greece - Rhodes and Crete. At select tura tourists sometimes face with problem choice between nimi. Really, select enough hard, because how on the everyone from islands available their unique attraction.

Geographical features

One from distinctive characteristics Crete from Rhodesv volume, what first much more on square. Thread, w. whom notenough of time for travels, it is better select Rhodes. Familiarize with famous mosti. can total per several days, traveling all island. For togo to consider all beauty Crete would need lot of time, insofar as island more. Relief Crete more various, meet and plains, and the mountains. These peculiarities follow take into account, when planning take with by himself on the relaxation children.


Weather on the data islands practically equal, insofar as they locked v one climatic zone. Winterwashed with increased humidity, summerroast and dry. V summer months average temperature reaching +28° C.. Shores Crete washed waters Mediterranean seas, a Rhodesmore and waters Aegean. Lovers extreme recreation suitable coast islands Rhodes or northern shore Crete. V these mestes. sea often restless, can ride on the waves. Opening season on the beach islands begins about v middle may.

Holidays on the island of Rhodes

Rhodes offer activities available to everyone. Here tourists will choose for themselves the most diverse types of entertainment. Lovers of nightlife will appreciate the local clubs, where discos, theme parties, casino. For lovers of a healthy lifestyle - tennis, scuba diving, surfing, golf, beach volleyball and more. Gourmet offers an excellent opportunity to assess the local cuisine. Excursions with an overview of famous attractions such as the Colossus of Rhodes, Castle Monolith, the ancient city of Lindos and Kamiros, religious shrines - the Temple of Apollo Pythian, the church of St. Nicholas Fundukley, romantic and memorable Butterfly Valley.

What to visit in Crete

Certainly, tourist firm offer on the island Crete more saturated program excursions. Most famous directions they include visit excavation minoan cities, Knossos palace, monastery Kera Kardiotissa, cave Zeus, Roman theater goddess Demeter, museums - Lihnostatik, archaeological. comfortable hotels, luxury restaurants, well-groomed beaches and, certainly the same, self hospitable owners. If you want to explore history country, traditions and customs Greece, her relics, then tourist firm Crete provide to you all conditions.



For those, who wants fix his health on the islands, their services offer various resorts and sanatoriums. TO most popular resorts on the island Rhodes rank Kalafos, Ialyssos, Kiotari, ICCIA, Kallithea, Faliraki, Afandou. On the Crete young people more often choose such resorts: Hersonissos, Stalida, Malia. connoisseurs calm recreation prefer kokkini Hani, Gouves, Anissaras, Ammoudara, Analipsi, AgiosPelagia. Resort Elounda on law carry to a from self prestigious places recreation v Greece.

Therefore way, for young vigorous people island Crete will more tempting offer, a willing relax with family and children v calm surroundings it is better select Rhodes.

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