The advantages of using bank cards instead of a wallet in the modern technological world are obvious and do not cause issues. The question is that they are now on the economic market more than one hundred species, how to unmistakably choose the most optimal option. Each resident of the country having a salary card or planning it to travel to travel is given by this. We will try to figure out and make the right choice.
First of all, decide on the purpose of making a bank card, what tasks put in front of it. Most citizens card issued at work to accrual wages, retirees and students - to obtain payments. Because of this, they were deprived of choice. If you make a map on your own, then you need to take into account all the criteria and choose the most satisfying option. Each type of card has its own set of characteristics: payment system (visa and mastercard), view (credit and debit), service class, additional services.
Visa and MasterCard are the largest payment systems, they now occupy a leading position. Their reliability is no doubt. Therefore, the importance of the right choice is essential rather for travel lovers. Visa is a leader in the number of payment terminals, its market share prevails. But with MasterCard abroad also does not arise any problems. In all payment systems where Visa customers serve support and MasterCard. Thus, their consumer qualities are completely the same in Russia. Full information you can get on the sites of these payment systems:
Now consider the practical differences of MasterCard and Visa. To do this, learn the story of their appearance in the economic market. Each of these payment systems is international. But for Visa, the main currency is the US dollar, it means that all currency conversion in it pass through the dollar. Basic currency for the MasterCard payment system - Euro and dollar. Therefore, the operations of conversion in it can be held both through the euro and through the dollar. This is the main difference between systems.
There are some nuances in differences between Visa and MasterCard systems. In Russia, through the MasterCard system, accounts in euros are most often used for mutual settlements. For Visa - only dollar correspondent accounts, without choice. In practice, the Russian bank, in which two accounts would be open for MasterCard. This extra cost and is not economically profitable. Therefore, it is believed that MasterCard works with the euro, and Visa with US dollars.
There are even differences between payment systems during currency conversion. Your card can be cash in rubles, euro or dollars. When calculating abroad, the currency is converted partly in the course of the payment system and the course of your bank. To find out the bank's exchange rate, you need to contact it. Visa and MasterCard on the conversion rate are not too different from each other. Although the MasterCard course you will learn "on fact", and the Visa course is open.
With conversion operations, you always lose. Part of the funds takes the payment system, and part goes to enrich your bank. Such an additional percentage is called Enter Bank Fee (Commission). The percentage value is determined by the bank. Practically it lies in the range of 0-5%. It is believed that the percentage of the bank is higher when working with Visa than when using the MasterCard of the same Bank. In Sberbank, it can be 0.65%, but the percentage may vary. Learn it in a bank when opening an account. Conversion, for example, on Visa website.
To be clearer the advantages of each system, consider specific examples. Example 1: You travel around Europe and want to rent a car. You have a choice: the Visa card performs the conversion of rubles in the euro over the dollar, and the MasterCard card - rubles in the euro. We found out that each exchange of currencies leads to the loss of money. So, MasterCard pay in Europe is more profitable. Example 2: You are in the USA buy a plane ticket, your account in the US currency. Paying Visa, you do not lose anything. MasterCard performs conversion: dollars in euros, euro in dollars. Double exchange.
We give more accurate tips of experienced travelers by region. The Visa Map has advantages in countries: USA, Latin America, Canada, Thailand, Australia. MASTERCARD MAP: Europe, Africa (except Algeria - No ATMs of this system), Cuba (High Commission for Conversion, up to 20%, are not accepted by maps of American banks, they prefer European).
Short reminder: Traveling in Europe, take with you MasterCard map; If your route lies through America (both), the countries of Southeast Asia - then you are more profitable to pay the Visa card. On the trip, be attentive, in some countries Triple conversions are possible, purchases may be much more expensive than expected. During operations in Russia, do not bother with the choice of payment system. They are the same. Choose a better bank with favorable rates.
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