How much can you order with aliexpress

How much can you order with aliexpress

Low prices for goods are not bad, and sometimes even excellent quality, simplicity of payment and adjustable delivery system in the online store aliexpress - All these are excellent conditions for opening your business, well, or at least the possibility of additional earnings. Are there any restrictions on the number of goods ordered to Aliexpress, read further.

Restrictions on international postal departures are and regulated by the Customs Service. On official site of the Federal Customs Service The Russian Federation states that if during the calendar month one addressee receives goods that total value exceed 1000 euros or weighing 31 kg, then for exceeding it will have to pay extra. The customs duty will amount to 30% of the customs value of the goods, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg of excess weight.


Paying this duty must receive a recipient, that is, the buyer on aliexpress When receiving the parcel in the post office. It looks like imposed payment: without paying it, the purchase will not be able to pick up. You can avoid these overpayments by breaking your order for two and sending them to different recipients (to yourself and relative, to a friend, neighbor).


Checking mailings at customs can significantly increase in its duration if many of the same type of goods are sealed in one premise. It raises doubts from customs officers about the fact that you all ordered it for personal use. In this regard, ask the sellers when sending a batch of goods to share it in such a way that in one package it was a maximum of 3-4 pieces of goods of the same type.


Take into account these tips when placing orders for Aliexpress, so as not to be broken into customs duties and do not wait for our purchases for years. More information about customs clearance of parcels with Aliexpress can get on forum of this online store.

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