Why not give a watch

Why not give a watch

On the eve of a wide variety of holidays, we are all literally knocking on the legs in search of good gifts to loved ones. Everyone is trying to choose a present that will be useful, very much, and among other things, will show your attitude towards a person. However, in addition to the need to comply with all these conditions, there are a variety of signs prohibiting some things that are presented as gifts. For example, hours.

The most common explanation of why it is forbidden to give the clock to relatives and relatives - soon parting. The watches are perceived as a messenger of separation, because they exactly measure the time remaining before the departure of one of you to the long road. That is why lovers never give a clock to each other - will suddenly come true?

A common explanation of this prohibition is also the confidence of many people in the fact that the fate of the recipient of such a gift will be impaired inevitably. If you believe longarily legends, then everything is chilling and sharp can change the life of a person, "cut" it into parts. It happens that this leads to positive changes, but often the fate of a happy person cannot consist of scattered pieces. If you remember that the arrows in hours are usually completed by the edge - immediately becomes clear the absence of a desire for some people to receive such a gift.

There is also a belief that giving the clock, you can bring death. There are several interpretations of this sign. For example, in China, many are confident that giving the watch, the donator thus invites you to their own funeral, and in Japan, everything is quite the opposite - it means an ambassading death of a person who took such a gift.

In addition to mythical reasons to refrain from the gift of the clock, there are reasons for psychological, quite normal for people living in the modern world. For example, a suspicious or wounded person may think that making such a gift, you still hint at what he is constantly late and does not appreciate time. To avoid this, let's present the clock as a beautiful attribute, and not in the form of a useful thing. In addition, many believe that the clock tie their owner by time. One simply is simply not needed, others delivered continuous inconvenience. If you want to present this gift to a person who is not tied to training or working graphics, living according to its rules and standards - do not rush to do this, most likely the watches he does not need and the gift will not be appreciated.

If you are sure that this gift wish and will be valuable for the recipient, but believe in the signs and do not want to bring themselves the negative consequences - there are some tricks that you need to know. First, you can give a clock with an electronic dial without pointed arrows. Secondly, a gift can be "selling" for a symbolic amount of money - this present will turn into a purchase and will not entail anything negative. Thirdly, you can give money to which the recipient himself will acquire hours.

A gift is a manifestation of care, love and affection. If you have chosen a clock as a gift and at the same time sure that a person will be happy to get them as a gift - knowing the written above, you can easily get around all the bad signs or simply ignore them.

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