Shoes on Aliexpress

Shoes on Aliexpress

A variety of proposals for the sale of shoes at the famous site shop Aliexpress Just amazing imagination. Here you can find almost any model for every taste and wallet. How to do this - Consider in detail.

In the catalog of goods, shoes are in the section called "Bags and Shoes". Choosing a subsection " shoes"And we see many different subspecies in different categories.


Among the main category are offered to select several adjacent: separation on male, feminine and children's shoes, also separately stand out sport shoes and different accessories for her. Among the latter, you will find not only all sorts of laces and insoles, but also various decorations and sets for the care of these objects of the wardrobe.


Also in each of these subcategories You can choose the model and type of shoes:


For the convenience and accuracy of the selection of a suitable model, other filters are used. Firstly, this is the width of the model, among the parameters of which you can specify various: from extra-narrow models to very wide, depending on the physiological features of the structure of the leg. In addition, you can choose any color from the proposed, besides this, select the texture and type of pattern, for example, the monophonic color or presence of prints or additional patterns. Also among the main filters necessarily there is a size of shoes. On the Aliexpress Used American dimensional grid. How to choose how to choose the size of the shoes on this site - read in detail in these articles: Shoe Sizes Table for Aliexpress and How to determine the size of the shoes.


In addition to these basic filters, in each of the individual subcategories (shoes, sneakers), the choice and narrower, which make it possible to more accurately decide on the desired choice. Also filters are aimed at ensuring that the search for a suitable product among thousands of a variety of proposals can be narrowed. For example, choosing boots, you can specify such preferences as:

  • Seasonality (autumn, winter, spring, summer);
  • Heel type (platform, without heel, studs or square heels);
  • Heel height (indicated in inches);
  • Decorations (chains, buckles, suspension);
  • Sock shape (stupid, rounded);
  • Type of fasteners (velcro, lacing, without a back).


Of course, you can and need to put filters and by other parameters, as well as for all other goods: these are filters for the price. For example, you can select the desired price range. Or specify in the settings so that the result of the search for shoes is built ascending or descending prices. Also in the filter you can specify that the results show only with free shipping to your country (most of them are usually most). It is also important and the rating of the seller, you can specify that the goods only proven sellers are shown, that is, those who have a well-established positive rating.


The proper use of filters will help you to make your desired shoes as efficiently. But in any case, you can always communicate with the seller and ask him all your questions. Do not forget to read customer reviews that have already purchased this product.

Comments leave a comment
lia. 04/01/2016 at 15:04.

Very long delivery from them, I do not like this site. But in principle in the internet, I often buy shoes.

Yana 05/01/2016 at 14:21

Tell me a proven store!)


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