Dolls Reborn on Aliexpress

Dolls Reborn on Aliexpress

Modern reborn dolls at the peak of popularity, they are striking with their realism and incredible resemblance to the real child. The rebounds are made by hand by experienced masters, which the face features and anatomy of the body of a newborn or one-year-old kid with an amazing accuracy. Many collectors are ready to buy Reborn, regardless of their cost, and prices for them are just fantastic. For those who want to purchase this realistic doll, but can not afford the author's work of the master, there is a way out - buy a doll Reborn on aliexperestswhere you can find an excellent budget option.

What is a Reborn doll

Reborn translated - "Rounded", that is, a doll, brought to perfection. Its similarity with a real baby simply amazes. Growth and weight doll realistic. The first reburon began to make in America for collectors, as a work of art, they were put up at auctions and were not sold in stores. The manufacture of one unique doll from the masters is a long time, the work is painstaking and thin. The vinyl base (head, knobs, legs, body) is covered with several layers of acrylic paint, all the smallest parts are drawn (folds, cilia, small specks on the face) for greater realistic. The price of Reborn depends on the quality of the materials and the execution of the author. Collectible dolls are created not for children, but for adults: Reborn. - Excellent allowance for future mothers, in which they can practice care for newborns, as well as therapy for those who have lost their child. Increasingly, business ladies are acquiring a business lady to implement the maternal instinct.

Overview of dolls Reborn on Aliexpress

  • Aliexpress, following fashionable trends and trends, offers a more budget version of popular Reborn.Made of silicone and vinyl, which are most accurate close to the original. Pups are dressed in beautiful children's clothing, they are included with various accessories, it can sit, lie, you can bathe. Such a "almost alive" doll will become an excellent gift for kids who dream of a real pupse.

  • Sellers Aliexpress Office Pups. Reborn. - Babies with a nipple, which can be fed from the bottle. Nipples and bottles come in a set with a doll. To give an even greater realism effect, the sellers send the Customer of the Umbrella in a gift box with dowry: a set of clothes and make a birth certificate.

  • You can buy Reborn. Both a girl and a boy, choose weight or growth, which is indicated in the product card. Remember that the weight of the pups fully corresponds to the weight of the real kid.

  • The cost of data dolls is quite high, but on the trading platform you can buy a budget copy dolls Reborn.which looks pretty cute and will be cheap.

Reborn Doll Accessories for Ali Spress

Duborn doll It admires people so much that for many their production becomes a hobby, because to collect their own, unlike others, a doll can be independently. Aliexpress It offers to buy parts of the doll (hands, legs, eyes, head, hair and cilia) individually and collect it to your liking. The choice of accessories on the site is huge. You can buy clothes, shoes, nipples and bottles for your doll.

How to order a doll Reborn to Aliexpress

  • To order on Aliexpress RebornYou must go to the site and go to the "All For Children" section, and then in the category "Toys and Hobbies."

  • In this category, we choose the subcategory "Dolls and Soft Toys" and go to the "dolls". Now in the search bar, you must specify which doll we want to see, recruit the "dubborn doll". We celebrate the "Free Shipping" checkmarks, the ranking stars and click the "Orders" tab, you can also put the price range to which you expect. To find the necessary accessories for Reborn, you need to go to the "All For Children" section - "Toys and Hobbies" - "Dolls and Soft Toys" - "Accessories for dolls" or dial "Accessories for Reborn" in the search bar.

Tips for buying Reborn to Aliexpress

  • Always carefully study the description in the product card, read its capabilities, which is included with Rebornwhether it is possible to bathe, whether she knows how to sit, find out its weight and growth.
  • For all interested questions, contact the seller, it is obliged to give more comprehensive information about the product.
  • Be sure to read the reviews of real buyers from which you can learn a lot of interesting information about the quality of Reborn.
  • Do not forget to familiarize yourself with the rating of the seller.

Duborn doll - This is a modern toy that enjoys in great demand in both adults and children. Improve yourself and your children of an unusually realistic copy of a cute baby or pinkish karapuza, believe me, Reborn will not leave you indifferent, and your baby will care for the pupa, to take care of it, as a real child.

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