Where to go to Astana

Where to go to Astana

Astana is a relatively young capital, but it does not prevent her from being the most beautiful and modern city of Kazakhstan. In less than two decades, Astana rose from the provincial town of Astana to the second largest settlement of the country. Every year new skyscrapers appear, elegant hotels, embankments are equipped. Even if you were here last summer, the city will again be able to surprise you!

Astana's business card is the shopping and entertainment complex "Khan Shatyr". The building is designed in the shape of a tent, and today it is the largest architectural tent in the world. In addition to the usual stores, restaurants, game rooms Complex is famous for the beach resort. A tropical climate is recreated here: unusual plants, heated sand, in one of the three pools, artificial waves in one of the three pools. Whatever weather on the street, inside Khan Shatyra, is always 35 degrees of heat. The construction is among the top ten of the top of the world's top eclays.

The symbol of the city is also considered the monument "Astana - Baiterek". Having admired the external greatness of a unique structure, climb on the viewing platform, which is located right in the glass bowl. There is an impressive panorama of the capital, and overview tours in different languages \u200b\u200bis also held.

Park art masterpiece is recognized by the aqua green Astana Boulevard. It is decorated with fountains built on modern technologies, floral alleys, sculptures, symbolizing national images. The boulevard is ends with a round area, in the center of which also built a large fountain.

One of the brightest sights of the capital is the Palace of Peace and Consent. The construction is made in the form of the right pyramid, the height of which is equal to any of the sides of the base. The palace was erected for the unity of different world religions, it demonstrates the kindness and openness of the citizens. Inside there are conference rooms with the latest equipment, the Museum of Culture, the Opera House, the University of Civilizations, Art Galleries and Exhibition Zones. Green terraces are visible everywhere, and through the transparent top of the pyramid, the entire space is filled with sunlight. At night, this top glows from the inside, decorating the evening city.

Metropolitan residents and Mosque "Nur-Astana" are proud. Today, this temple ranks second largest in all Kazakhstan and attracts tourists with its beauty. The mosque is framed by four minarets, each of which reaches 62 meters in height. The central dome rises by 43 meters, it is covered with gilding, and fragments from the Quran are carved on its bases. Inside can simultaneously accommodate up to 5,000 people.

Fascinates the circus building in Astana. The facade imitates a flying plate, in connection with which the entertainment institution is called the circus of the future. Hotel and economic administrative blocks are adjacent to the central corner, there are places for 2000 visitors around the arena. The circus artists own the main genres of circus art, several species of animals are also contained on the organization's balance sheet.

In addition to historical monuments and architectural woundings, Astana is rich in shopping and entertainment complexes. Some of them are an immense scale, some are similar to museums, but in each there is something like a traveler. All these structures make the capital similar to European and American megalopolises, and not to love the beauty of Astana is simply impossible!

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