Where to go to Almaty

Where to go to Almaty

Almaty is the only city-millionaire and today is considered to be the capital of Kazakhstan's cultural heritage, as well as a large financial and economic center. But with the arrival of the weekend, the hunt to distract, go somewhere to disperse, let go away accumulated fatigue. There are several wonderful places where the rest is not allowed to be bored.

If you are a guest of the city or even the country, but you were fortunate enough to stay in such a wonderful place, the first thing to do is to take a walk through the city itself. Pr-t. Zhibek Zholy or famous Arbat focused on the number of citizens and the same tourists who want to plunge into the atmosphere of a beautiful city. It is from Arbat that they run on the road and trails to local attractions.

Start your way from a green bazaar and mark past the house of textiles - "Kyzyltan". Previously, the trading house belonged to the merchant Gabdulvaliyev and spent the age-old barrier on his bill. Going further, you will stop the street. Panfilova and see the accumulation of artists selling their paintings by local bohemia. They can also be ordered cartoon, portrait or easy to buy an exhibit.

Moving the historical heritage of Almaty, the representative of modernity - Silk Way shopping center will arise on the way, and your attention will be attracted to bright promoters with bold advertising leaflets, mounted to visit the Altyn jewelry store. Complete the route TD "Zangar", where there is a considerable choice of souvenirs and gift instances.

Ask local, where there are interesting places, and hear - "Look at the flea market!". Funny and curious. What did you see there? However, it is precisely this object is considered the public domain of citizens, and they do not consider it so ridiculous, as the tourist seems originally. The local flea market knows not only outside the city, but also countries. Not so buy, how to see, impressions are provided.

You will be plunged into prostration, as soon as there is a whole city of endless pavilions, indoor counters, milking containers and just open rows. Here you can buy more than "everything". Starting from Chinese delicacies and shirpotreb, ending with gold, expensive fabrics, overseas fur coats and sea-sea "Prada", "Louis Vitonov" and "Chanel". Probably, the famous Couture is the best never come to Almaty, otherwise God is news what happens to unhappy. The central flea market is located on the North Ring, and, despite the rumors of moving to another city, for all this time it did not move from the place.

Extreme hike in gay club! This is not for faint and primitive personalities. Anaturnu, a flying atmosphere and a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive. The club "Real" is perhaps one of many who survived the confrontation and so fell in love with the citizens of the standard, classical orientation. Going to the club, you need to attract a companion, just in case. Temporable, sensual dancing under the Cher or Dima Bilan like guys and girls who often have to change the appearance in order not to cause excessive interest. If you still succumb to the temptation and go to the club, you will have the opportunity to spend an unforgettable evening in an environment of the sincere public and the most relaxed dancers.

If in your preferences merging with nature, rather than a racked nightlife, then visit the Botanical Garden, Zoo and Park them. Gorky. In the garden among the streets of Bayzakov and Manas, 105 hectares of amazing Eurasian and American representatives of the Flora will be banned. Beauty and freshness, even at a disturbing time, caused by delicate vegetation and will be a great pastime for a naturalistic photo shoot, excursions or just a romantic walk.

The combination of park rides and habitats of wild beasts like both adults and children. First ride on the ferris wheel, drinking sweet wool (well, but without it, as is the taste of childhood), and after going to visit the inhabitants of the zoo, on the way, taking feed.

At the end of the walk ride on the cable car. Such a pleasure is found only in some cities and is always in demand among tourists. Moving in a suspiciously swinging trailer on the hill Kok-Tobe, for 10 minutes you will constantly receive the emission of adrenaline - fragile attachments, indecent distance to the earth, terribly ... But do not dwell on your phobia, pay attention to the magnificent landscapes that thanks to so extreme Circumstances are forever captured in your memory.

After seeing the most popular places, plunge into the atmosphere of the city, get to know the locals, make friends with the Kabatsky musicians, they often play on the squares on weekends.

Comments leave a comment
olga 05/01/2015 at 10:26

Pictures of the registers are in Almaty at all.

Oksana 02/16/2015 at 11:47.

At exactly, the cable is not ours, not Almaty! This is Tbilisi, if not mistaken!


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