Where to go to the Nizhny Novgorod region

Where to go to the Nizhny Novgorod region

The Nizhny Novgorod region is located in the center of the European part of Russia. The Volga River divides the area on the left bank, which occupies the lowland, and the right bank that occupies an elevation. The nature of these places is rich in vegetation, has a large number of animal species. The Nizhny Novgorod region is interesting for its shrines, monasteries and is the beloved tourist destination of Orthodox people.

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the tourist will be able to find a large number of springs and sources. In the Mar'ev Spring, water has antibacterial properties, is enriched with silver. The spring is well equipped, there is a chapel, Poklonnaya Cross, Bath. Holy sources of 12 apostles are also known, the source of the prince of Vladimirsky, the spring of the Vladimir Mother of God, the Baranas Key and others. Many sources are near the monasteries and churches.

In the summer, excursions are organized on Lake Svetloyar, where the holiday of Ivan Kupala is held. Lake Svetloyar surprises its perfectly oval shape and crystal clear water. Scientists still did not solve the secret of Lake Svetloaryar, the water is never covered with a tina, does not turbulently and can be endlessly stored in a vessel. On the eve of the holiday of Ivan Kupala, the march around the lake with candles takes place: if the lake to bypass three times and make a desire, it will surely come true.

Be sure to visit the Factory "Khokhloma painting" and "Semenov painting" in the city of Semenov. Here release painted dishes, matryoshki, vases and even furniture. In June, the International Festival of Folk Art Fields "Golden Khokhloma" is held in the city center of the city. On the day of the festival there are concerts of pop stars, performances of local teams, costume views.

In the village of Yuro, there is a beautiful Sheremetyevsky castle. The castle combines several architectural styles: Western European, East, Old Russian. The castle is a whole town with main house, cathedral, park and other facilities.

Big Boldino in the Nizhny Novgorod region is associated with the name of the Great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. Here the Pushkin family had a manor, which the poet often visited in search of creative ideas. It was here that such works as "small tragedies", "Copper Horseman", "Evgeny Onegin" and others were written. The estate spread a beautiful park, at the entrance to which you can see a monument to the poet.

The Nizhny Novgorod region is famous for its monasteries. The Vysotsky Assumption Monastery on the banks of the River River attracts its architectural ensemble in the spirit of classicism. Seraphimo-Diveevsky Monastery is known for the "groove of the Virgin", here you can buy monastic bread. Makarev Monastery - a valid female monastery in the village of Makaryevo.

If you are traveling to the Nizhny Novgorod region, be sure to take time and visit several saints and historical places. Nizhny Novgorod region - a corner of calm and peace, where the subtle soul of the poet can find inspiration, the shower of the martyr - enlightenment and the path.


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