When it comes to checking the card, the question arises as you can remove from the card for a day. Almost all banks have such limit, but there is a rule - the more prestigious the card will be, the more money can be removed from it. Cards "Sberbank" no exception. Moreover, its views has different limits. But first things first.
Why does Sberbank set limits?
Any banking institution is beneficial to have in the covers of the funds of its customers in order to have them at the right moment. This is how to take and remove hundreds of thousands of rubles - great stress for the bank. Therefore, it is much more profitable to introduce daily limits for cash withdrawals.
Such a restriction is not a problem for those who are used to pay the card. But those who wish to get cash can only count on a certain amount. Thus, you can say banks try to attract customers to the side of non-cash payments.
Sberbank has many cards, of different focus. Each of them can afford to remove different amounts. Before proceeding with the process, it is necessary to first familiarize yourself with this indicator.
What amounts can you count on?
Like many other banking institutions, Sberbank has debit and credit cards. If the debit option on the hands of the client, then different types of cards will have such daily limits:
- Maestro: up to 50 thousand rubles and with removal in an ATM, and at the checkout.
- Social, student: up to 50 thousand, but not more than 500 thousand per month.
- Classic visa map and mastercard: up to 150 thousand rubles and in the checkout, and in the terminal. In this case, the monthly limit is 1.5 million rubles.
- Youth: You can remove 150 thousand rubles per day.
- Golden card: up to 300 thousand, and a month - no more than 3 million rubles.
- Platinum card: up to 500 thousand, but not more than 5 million per month.
From this list it is clear that the more prestigious the card, the more funds from it can be removed during the day or month.
The same trend applies to credit options:
- Classical - you can remove in an ATM with no more than 50 thousand, and at the checkout - 150 thousand, which is a daily restriction.
- Golden - 100 and 300 thousand, respectively.
- Platinum - 200 thousand can be removed per day in the terminal and 600 at the checkout. Per month - 600 thousand rubles.
It should also be remembered that when the credit card is emptying, it will also have to pay a commission - 3% of the amount, but at least 390 rubles. And in "NOTOD" ATMs this percentage will increase to 4.
The limit is exceeded: what to do?
Sberbank took care of those who want to make money above the established norm. You need to call the number 900 and leave your application. You can also go to the bank itself and place an application there.
When removing very large amounts, you should contact the bank and be patient, because 2 to 3 days will go to consideration. After all, impressive amounts of money are not stored right in the bank. They are transported from the repository.
You should also know that when the amount is cash, over the limit will have to be spent on a commission percentage equal to 0.5% of the dryness of exceeding.
If you have to remove the funds in the subsidiaries of your bank, then in neighboring states (Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc.) will not be, and in the rest it will be 0.7% of the amount removed.
Before going to make money from the Sberbank card, you need to get acquainted with its tariffs. The prestigious card, the more profitable conditions will be. If the tariffs are not reliably known, then you can call the hotline of the bank or ask his representatives in the department.