How to order detail on megaphone

How to order detail on megaphone

If you urgently needed to order a detail at the Mobile Communication Operator MegaFon, but how to do it you do not know - this article will help you. Detailing helps the user learn their expenses for any time period. The service is very useful at the moments when the funds are starting to disappear from your account than you expected. Also this is an excellent replacement for parental control to know what funds are going on on your baby's mobile phone. If you decide to order a detail, read the instructions below.

Go to the official website of MegaFon on the link: And go to the user's account.

In the column "phone number" you specify your cell number on which you need to know the detail. In the "Password" field, write a password obtained using USSD request on your phone * 105 * 00 # call key.

Once in your personal account, find among the many fields of the window "costs, replenishment and detail". Click on it.

In the window that appears, two types of services will be available: detailing and score. In the first case, you will learn in detail about your expenses: SMS messages, services, write-off subscription fees, Internet traffic and much more. The period is set independently, but may not exceed two months.
Ordering the score, you will receive a check of paid communication services, as well as the amount of replenishment of the balance in the last month.

Click on the green button "Order Details".

Now you need to clarify temporary boundaries for detail. Enter the start date of the period in the first column, the end date in the second column. In the "Report of the Report" field, "Better install" Web Page (HTML) "for more convenient data viewing, but you can mark" PDF ". Below, you can specify an email address so that the detailing has been sent to you and there.

Confirm your intentions by clicking on the green button "Order".

On the screen you will see a message about the successful operation.

Please note if you need an account detail for a longer period than two calendar months - contact the nearest communication salon MegaFon. You can learn how to cover the company on the company's official website at: In the upper right corner do not forget to specify your region.

The detail order is also possible from a mobile phone. Dial the command *512#Keyword. You will receive a list of expenses and ten recent calls. This method is convenient, but it does not allow to know the spending for the whole month.

To order a monthly account, contact MegaFon Salon. After that, your email address will receive a report for the previous month from 5 to 15 each month automatically. Do not forget to take a passport with you.

The cost of one-time detail via USSD request will be three rubles. The cost of detail for the month is 65 rubles. An exception is a personal account, as all services for the order of detail through it are free.

Comments leave a comment
ilya. 12/26/2017 at 5:04.

; \u003d - Op (
Go to the LC of your operator and order details on your email,
If there is no SMS confirmation capability, use the SMS-YA.RU aggregator


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