The entire correspondence on social network, downloaded photos, video and other materials are personal information of the user's user. Protecting data from unauthorized persons helps the password, it is also recommended to leave the account after completing each session, especially in cases where access to a computer has several people. However, many users of classmates face problems when leaving the social network due to ignorance of the order of actions, an inactive button of the output or its absence.
Standard way to get out of classmates
The easiest and most logical way to get out of the account in classmates - click on the "Exit" button. You can find it by turning the icon of your profile. The button will be displayed in the upper right corner, next to the login.
You can also exit classmates through a profile change by clicking on the appropriate button in the user menu.
No output button
Most often, the "Exit" button in classmates is not displayed due to the enlarged page. In this case, it is necessary to reduce scaling up to 100%. You can do this in the browser settings or simultaneously pressing the "Ctrl" and "-" keys.
When you click "Exit" nothing happens
If, when you try to exit classmates on the screen, a window does not appear in which you want to enter credentials, there is no download of another page - the output button is not active. This is explained by several reasons:
- the computer is infected with viruses. In this case, it is recommended to check the device with antivirus and delete infected files. For further work, you must restart the computer;
- incorrect browser work. In some browsers, sometimes errors occur when processing JavaScript codes. Most often, such difficulties are observed when using Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer. The easiest way to solve this problem is to go to another browser, for example, on Google Chrome, Vivaldi and Yandex, they are considered the most reliable compared to other similar utilities;
- network failure. An attempt to get out of classmates may not be made, as an error occurred in data transmission due to interruptions in the Internet connection. Such interruptions are most often caused by a malfunction of the modem and the failure of the provider. You can get out of classmates in this case, using the mobile version of the social network.
Cleaning cookies
Another way to get out of classmates is to clear data in the browser, namely: view stories, cookies and cache. To remove information, you need to call a window with a browser history using the "Ctrl" and "H" key combination. You can also go to history through the main menu utility.
Clear cookies can be clear through the CCleaner program. After launching the application, you must go to the "Clean" window and switch to the "Application" tab. Next, you should select those files that are to be deleted and click on the "Cleaning" button in the lower right corner.
Removing an account in classmates
You can exit the social network forever, removing your profile. To do this, go to license agreement social network. After that, the tab will open at the bottom of which will be a string where it is proposed to abandon the services. Deleting an account is available only after entering the current password from the page. Learn more detail how to remove the profile in classmates by reference:
It is necessary to exit the social network in general use of the computer. This will help save personal information and protect the account from unauthorized persons.
How to get out of a classmate you can learn from the video: