How to find out the zodiac sign

How to find out the zodiac sign

Every day we see the starry night sky, but few people know that it is from these mysterious bright celestial bodies our fate, warehouse of character and intelligence depends. We appear on the light on a certain day and hour, and we follow the entire subsequent life with your zodiacal fate. Find out what the zodiac sign was born exactly. You will need a day and a month of your birth.

In the list of zodiac signs, select the time interval in which you appear. The constellation that was at this time in heaven - will be your zodiac sign.

How to find out the sign of the zodiac - Aries March 21 - April 20

Friendly man with energetic manners and solid handshake. A man born under the constellation of Aries emotional, trusting, possesses a brilliant mind and smartness. On the Aries can always rely, and know that he does not know how to lie. Element - Fire, Planet Mars.

How to find out the sign of the zodiac - Taurus on April 21 - May 21

These are very reliable, calm and sensible people who are very lucky in the financial sphere. Conservative and pragmatic Taurus is always friendly, taking into account and overly friendly. Have a friend Taurus - a real gift of fate. Element - Earth, Planet Venus.

How to find out the sign of the zodiac - Gemini May 22 - June 21

The constellation of twins awards a person wealth, success and incredible luck. Nature of twins is striking with high intelligence, charm and stunning energy. Element - air.

How to find out the sign of the zodiac - Cancer June 22 - July 22

Emotional, excessively sensitive and very caring. It has developed intuition and good memory. Cancers are generous, sensual and very talented nature. I appreciate the stability, comfort and warmth of the home the hearth.

How to find out the sign of the zodiac - Lion July 23 - August 23

A generous and noble man, endowed with the stars courage and an infinite desire for power. The sign has a highly developed intuition, a hot-tempered character and a huge purposefulness. In family relations, it is characterized by a faithful spouse and a loving good family man. Element - fire.

How to find out the sign of the zodiac - Virgo August 24 - September 23

Born under the constellation Virgin differ with rigor, rationality and accuracy in everything. Its intellectual and reasonable nature can safely resist the difficulties and to issue ingenious ideas in truth. Element - Earth.

How to find out the zodiac sign - Scales September 24 - October 23

Throughout the life of life, scales strive for complete idals, harmony and peace. Representatives of this sign are considered true romantics, owners of a good aesthetic taste and luxury lovers. They are difficult to rely on serious affairs, but if they need help with their relatives and loved ones, they will give everything they can and will spend so many strength and time as they need. Element - air.

How to find out the zodiac sign - Scorpio October 24 - November 22

Scorpio controls the most powerful planets - Mars and Pluto. People of this sign are endowed with courage, courage, courage and ability to safely look into the eyes of obstacles and dangers. They occupy a persistent position of the leader, lead an active life filled with dramatic events and relationships. Element - water.

How to find out the sign of the zodiac - Sagittarius November 23 - December 21

It differs from all signs with excessive independence, independence and tendency to idealism. The people of this constellation are almost always in good mood, possess magnetic charm, give ingenious ideas and are easy to rise. Element - Fire, Planet - Jupiter.

How to find out the zodiac sign - Capricorn on December 22 - January 20

The stars were awarded Capricorn hardworking, perseverance and extreme seriousness. Many of the nature are closed in themselves, quiet and extremely inability. Disclose Capricorn as a personality, only real and sincere love is capable of. Element - air.

How to find out the zodiac sign - Aquarius January 21 - February 19

Aquarians have absorbed the best qualities of all the zodiac signs. This is a bright, beloved, honest, open, but at the same time a very wounded person. It can not be offended - remember for a long time and cross the offender from his life. The relationship is a one-woman man, deeply appreciates the loyalty and honesty. Element - air.

How do I know the sign of the zodiac - Fish February 20 - March 20

Silent fish have a soft, compliant nature and always want to love to be loved. Planet Neptune gave a water mark with a rich creative imagination, dedication, devotion. People born under the constellation of fish are honest, friendly and optimistic - you can always rely on them.

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